Arch Enemy/Nile show in L.A. Artisan's Got the Cheap Tix.


I like a nice salad......
Nov 13, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Heavy Hello's to all of you. I am posting here on the Hypocrisy board because Hypocrisy is such a large musicl inspiration to me so I thought I'd share this with fellow fans.

My band ARTISAN will be opening for Arch Enemy/Nile/Hate Eternal. This is going to be a great night of metal and friends.

ARTISAN has the hook up on discount tickets. Don't pay Ticketmaster prices and support your local bands damn it!

Here's the low down. I hope to hear from some of you and actually meet some metal heads on the L.A. scene I have yet to meet. Here's the low down...

Arch Enemy/Nile/Hate Eternal/Artisan
Wednesday July 17th. 8pm @ The Key Club
Discount tickets available from ARTISAN $14. (The last show sold out)
For info on getting tickets email..
Check out the ARTISAN web site:
Lookie here, it's my bassplayer. ^^^^ hehe :p Arti Recording starts this weekend, oh joy! Yeah, the AE/Nile show will be fun. \m/ See ya all, Hypocrisy rules! (Hope they come back soon!!!!!)
Thank you so much to all the L.A metalheads who have contacted us by way of this board and other mediums to support ARTISAN and our opening slot with Nile/Arch Enemy/Hate Eternal/Origin show this coming Wednesday July 17th at The Key Club in Hollywood. You All Rule!!. Still have a handful of discount tickets left. So if you still have not gotten any, then email us at or go to our web site for Pay Pal purchases and we'll hook it up for you. Thanks again. This is proving to be a kick ass show already before the first downbeat has been struck.

That's not too surprising actually, since clubs will usually take any band that fronts money for ticket sales (whether they sell them or not). Luckily on the night we played, we were the only opener and were carefully screened and analyzed to make sure we didn't suck :P - but we weren't as crusty as some of the touring bands, hehe! The Keyclub is actually a pretty cool place when it comes to bigger shows.
Awwww, Soilwork & Hypocrisy!!! That sucked that they didn't make the Keyclub and had to play at the Showcase instead (but I was there anyway).. that night, the openers played and the Keyclub gave away tix for Vio-Lence or something. I'm glad the Keyclub is getting more Metal shows, cuz it is definitely a cool venue - despite the strange layout with the staircases in the middle of the club. :P~ Nile's drummer was pretty sick. Same goes for Hate Eternal.