Arch Enemy - The Immortal Guitar...

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
i would just like to release my fury at the internut. everywhere you look its posted that michael amott played a gibson les paul in the immortal video. i asked the question to michael about 6 years ago.

PEOPLE: He played a Fernandes Snow White Les Paul Copy! dumb can people get:lol:

seriously though - thought i'd share that info with the world instead of everyone thinking it was a gibson...

AE 4EVA:headbang:
Les Paul, Les Paul copy - who cares? Not I, well-made mahogany single-cut guitars are all the same to me.
I always loved this video because during Mike's solo, there's a camera angle from below and the cable obviously isn't plugged in the guitar. Thought it was hilarious but since then I have noticed it in countless videos. This was the first one I had caught. I think I just look for it now...