

Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
'Sympathetic Resonance'. Discuss.

For me, this is the best album to have come out all year, and I don't expect that to change. It's not exactly 'Awaken the Guardian, Pt. 2' (my favorite album of all time, along with 'Somewhere Far Beyond' by Blind Guardian), but I'm kind of glad of that, because this sound is interesting. And John Arch is flawless. Hard to believe he's 52 years old!
It's pretty good, but I'm not a huge fan of Arch's vocals although you get used to it after some listening. Will probably be in my top 20, but not quite top 10 for the year.
Listening to this, I find the problem to be that I just can't get through it in one sitting, largely due to the vocals.

Better prog albums have been released this year.
Incredible. Best album of the year, narrowly beating out Pendragon's Passion and Comedy of Errors' Disobey.

I'm still amazed at people disliking Arch's voice. Usually I just say live and let live on these sorts of things, but if you think John Arch is a bad singer, that's not an opinion, it's a falsehood.

The only gripe I have with the album is that the instrumental that opens Stained Glass Sky is surprisingly standard for Jim Matheos. Usually when he writes instrumentals they're extraordinary, ala At Fate's Hands or A Pleasant Shade of Gray Part VIII. There's nothing wrong with this one, but it's a bit strophic and the time signatures sound sort of unnatural. Still, the rest of the song more than makes up for it.
I think what Postulate is saying is that it's fine if you dislike Arch's voice or the WAY he sings, but from a technical standpoint the man IS a good singer. It takes enormous skill to sing those crazy melodies he comes up with, and it's also exhausting since they're usually in the upper register. There's no denying his talent.
I'm not saying that he's not a skilled singer. He hits all the notes and has a good range.

It's just the tone or timbre or whatever you call it that is really not into my tastes. Oh and he's REALLY nasal. That's probably the number 1 quality I hate in singers and the simple reason why I can't appreciate Arch's vocals.

And you can't argue with the fact that he sings really nasally. It's just as true as the fact that he's skilled. I just don't get why you have to let the air current go through your nose (as in some American accents where it's very popular) when the ONLY phones in English language that actually require you to do so are [m], [n] and [ŋ].
I'm not saying that he's not a skilled singer. He hits all the notes and has a good range.

It's just the tone or timbre or whatever you call it that is really not into my tastes. Oh and he's REALLY nasal. That's probably the number 1 quality I hate in singers and the simple reason why I can't appreciate Arch's vocals.

And you can't argue with the fact that he sings really nasally. It's just as true as the fact that he's skilled. I just don't get why you have to let the air current go through your nose (as in some American accents where it's very popular) when the ONLY phones in English language that actually require you to do so are [m], [n] and [ŋ].

This. Yes he's able to sing all those high notes and stuff, but it's how it sounds that is the problem, and that is where personal taste, or opinion, comes in.
I was just exaggerating to emphasize how much I love his voice.

but what makes his singing really remarkable is his unique sense of melody.
His unique sense of phrasing as well. To me, he has more in common in some sense with the RIO singer Dagmar Krause - equally innovative and influential in her own way - than with people he is often compared to, such as Geoff Tate. Tate had a great voice, but compared to Arch he's just not much to speak of. Arch is a one-of-a-kind vocalist. Once he's dead, no one's going to sing like Arch anymore. Just the way it is.

Can anyone tell me they don't hear Watchtower or Awaken the Guardian in this song?

I also mentioned elsewhere how his voice happens to be perfectly suited for progressive metal...both his gift for elaborate melodies and piercing timbre. He also reminds me a bit of Geoff Mann or Buddy Lackey in some sense, in that his voice has some kind of magic to it. It makes you step a little bit outside of your head.

I should also comment that I love Ray Alder as well. For all of Arch's talent, he couldn't have done justice to A Pleasant Shade of Gray - it's just not in his domain. Alder, for what it's worth, couldn't have done justice to this great new album.

And you can't argue with the fact that he sings really nasally. It's just as true as the fact that he's skilled. I just don't get why you have to let the air current go through your nose (as in some American accents where it's very popular) when the ONLY phones in English language that actually require you to do so are [m], [n] and [ŋ].
English lets you play fast and loose with nasality as paralinguistic for just that reason - since we don't have to save any nasality for our vowels, it can kind of flow all over the place and bleed into its neighbors without confusing anyone. I dunno if it's the same for any language without nasal vowels though. In any case I like it - nasal singing is neat-o. Check out the band Pagan Altar if you want proof.
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