Architects the here and now


Jul 6, 2010
any1 else heard the album and thing that the production was a bit dissapointing
on the more ballady songs. e.g an open letter to myself it sounds fine. but in any of the more hectic stuff the guitars get lost and it just seems realy messy. also some tmes when sam is singing it sounds realy over compressed. like in day in day out where he sings "where did they go" its compressed so hard that the dynamic range dissapears... anyway. would like to hear your opinions....?
Best Architects album to date, the fuq are y'all talking about!? Evetts did a fantastic job imo.
New album is going to be better tho, especially when it comes to the heavyness of the songs
It might be the best production on Architect´s records (still I like better the production on the new single), but the best album they have is Hollow Crown
I love this album. One of my favorites from last year. This is coming from someone who also loves their earlier stuff.

It's kind of sad to see people hate on them or call them 'sell outs' over The Here and Now. No musician wants to keep making the same shit over and over again and I sure as hell don't want to hear the same sound over and over. If you liked Hollow Ground, go listen to that.
It's kind of sad to see people hate on them or call them 'sell outs' over The Here and Now. No musician wants to keep making the same shit over and over again and I sure as hell don't want to hear the same sound over and over. If you liked Hollow Ground, go listen to that.

The problem is that they are actual sellouts. They decided to change their style to be more mainstream and to make more money, and you can tell in a lot of aspects.

Listen to the vocals on Here and Now vs Hollow Ground and tell me which album Sam Carter actually put his heart into and which was totally phoned-in energy wise.
Let's be honest, when all of the sudden a higher percentage of fans after your next album became females, you know that it was completely intentional. :lol:
The problem is that they are actual sellouts. They decided to change their style to be more mainstream and to make more money, and you can tell in a lot of aspects.

Listen to the vocals on Here and Now vs Hollow Ground and tell me which album Sam Carter actually put his heart into and which was totally phoned-in energy wise.

I won't argue on the lyrics, but Tom Searle writes songs in the genre he wants to when he wants to.
I've read numerous interviews where they explicitly stated they wanted to expand their fanbase and play to larger audiences. I realize that even the differences between Hollow Crown and the previous album are huge, but the new album just sucks donkey dick and was a willful change in style to make more money. Normally I want to be reasonable and allow for differences of opinion, but this album is an insult to the Architects name.
Best Architects album to date, the fuq are y'all talking about!? Evetts did a fantastic job imo.
New album is going to be better tho, especially when it comes to the heavyness of the songs

I totally agree. I think the song writing was bad ass and the work evetts did on vocals and melodies makes this release more than just another mediocre hardcore album
No it's not.

Yes it is. It is hands down the biggest musical disappointment of the 21st century.

Totally insincere, heartless, phoned in bullshit. I don't care that it sounds more accessible or mainstream, I just hate that all of the honesty from the previous record is gone completely. You can tell they really meant it on the last album. The latest one is a complete piece of shit, I don't even think this is a subjective matter. Awful, awful, awful, awful, awful.

So glad I saw them when they were touring Hollow Crown before they had started working on the new one. Best performance I've ever seen. I saw them again before The Here and Now came out but after it had been recorded and even then all of the energy was missing. Fucking shame.
After reading all the tough shit going down in this thread, it made me want to check out the band as well as the older stuff.....I think I got my expectations up :(