

Replace that #@#|@#∞!!
May 19, 2010
What do you guys think about this fresh peek on Architects Devil's Island?

I really love it, one of the best Architects' song. The best mix possible between Hollow Crown and The Here And Now :)
Keep in perspective that this is the single, and the single for Hollow Crown was Early Grave, lol.

Yeah but THAN was a complete turd from start to finish so my expectations are pretty low.

Need more tunes like We're All Alone, Dethroned, Borrowed Time, One of These Days, etc. Or Broken Clocks off of the split, that song is fucking fantastic.

Bah. I hate when a band releases something so shitty that it makes you question if the album before it that you absolutely loved is actually good or not. It's almost like you convince yourself that the music is actually way shittier than you originally thought because a band who would put out something as shitty as the new album never could've released that great album that came before...

I flew halfway across the country to see Architects play with Misery Signals when they were touring Hollow Crown because I was out of town during all of the local dates. That was in my top 3 shows of all time easily, maybe number 1, just such a passionate performance. I am usually one to hang out at the back and appreciate the tunes but I was up against the rail totally lost in the music and just letting everything go. I can't think of another time ever where a performance has done that. Such a bummer that this band suck so fucking badly now :(

Check out the vocal performance starting at 6:22 or so, especially at around the 7:00 mark. That is nowhere on the new stuff. You can hear when someone actually means what they are fucking saying, playing, anything. The new shit is just contrived cookie cutter crap... Fuck I'm all mad now, haha...
I saw Architects when they were touring Hollow Crown and they are easily the tightest band I have seen live, this stuff is better than There and Now, however isn't the same as Hollow Crown. Fair enough bands want to reach a wider audience, but retaining some credible musicality while doing it would be nice.
imho there's no point on hearing/writting/recording/producing a Hollow Crown pt II kind of album.
It's real cool to listen to every album they've worked out.