Are 'metal heads' weak individuals?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Let me preface this by saying that I love metal, have so for the last 20+ years.

With that on the table, I've always been perturbed by the prevailing attitude in 'metaldom' that says that the metal crowd is somehow "elite" and that it's head and shoulders above the typical 'citizen John Q Public'.
Sure, metal folk seem/appear to be more philosophically inclined, but perhaps that's simply because they can afford to be: they have the free-time (what, with being isolated so much). Johnny Boy cruising town in his shiny SUV is busy, can't be bothered with thought.

Many metal people often claim "I hate the mainstream....they all follow the crowd, show no originality, etc., where the same clothes, etc...".

Meanwile, the metal crowd has adopted it's own standard uniform. It's the same theory: follow the crowd. Only difference is that this crowd is smaller.
Big deal. The theory - and the practice - are the same.

Long hair? Again, big deal. The other 85,374,384 metal people wear there's long, as well. No different than any mall-rat following typical mall-rat trends.

At the end of the day, the "mainstream" is simply seeking happiness. As is the metal crowd - albeit through different methods.

Are metal folk weaker, stronger, or, most likely, simply the same? I think the answer is obvious.

Are you really any freer than they? Really?

Feel free to rip this thread to shreds. Opine as you like....praise these thoughts...or piss on them. But be honest.
i like metal because i like intensity, and i like music. not because i feel elite nor part of any scene... though i can see where many would fall into that category.
Define 'weak.' Physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Morally? Grammatically? :tickled:

I don't think we as a group are really that different from a random sampling of the general population. Maybe on the whole a little more introverted and/or misanthropic, and probably far more prone to wearing all black, but that's about it. Even those traits aren't unique to the genre--you see them across the board in so-called alternative music scenes. Goth, punk, hardcore, "mall"core, metalcore, you name it--all are slightly different variations on an attempt to project disillusionment and alienation. None of this crap is original anymore. In our defense, when there are several billion people in the world at any given time, it's hard to do something that no one else has thought of. But I'd rather we acknowledged that instead of maintaining that our trends aren't trendy and our behavior is original and groundbreaking.

Once anything is a 'scene' then participation is conformity. The group may be smaller and perhaps more select than the general population, but people still dress and behave a certain way. The point about clothing is a very good one. Granted, metalheads are not conforming to the expectations of the 'mainstream' but they are still conforming to the expectations of one another. For example, a metalhead isn't likely to appear at a show in a pink Britney Spears t-shirt. To do so would be non-conformity--but only until (if and when) others began to copy them.
Silent Song said:
i like metal because i like intensity, and i like music. not because i feel elite nor part of any scene... though i can see where many would fall into that category.

I agree. Metal is a weird genre: it has a healthy conformist scene, and attractsl a large number of outsiders. I havent been to a concert in years, nor do I care to pay money to watch homoerotic hillbillies fight with each other.
SoundMaster said:
With that on the table, I've always been perturbed by the prevailing attitude in 'metaldom' that says that the metal crowd is somehow "elite" and that it's head and shoulders above the typical 'citizen John Q Public'.

The majority are shitheads. Metalheads no exception. There are some elites, and you can tell who they are by what they like. Even those who imitate them eventually slip up and admit to liking Cannibal Corpse.
I don't see why people CHOOSE to conform. Maybe they want attention, or maybe they want to fit in. Either way I don't what you want, how you want, and with who you want. Just leave me alone.

I listen to metal not because I want to conform, but because it's the only type of music that intrest me.
Well i wouldn't consider myself weak in the least, and that is probbably why I have few friends and many aquantinces(sp?). I choose not to conform, and by conforming I mean being told what to wear, what is the in, in anything from music, to clothing. Sure I may look like your typical metal head, with long hair(but that is for headbanging to my groovy/fast riffs) and the metal shirts, well I like to support the bands I love by buying their merch. I wear the cargo pants simply because they are practical, more pockets, means easier organization of my materials that i need to carry around.

But i definatly don't belong to any scene, because where i live, there reallly isn't much of one. But then again I can enjoy all different types of music, as long as its done right. Pop music is commercial, and therefore doesn't contain the deep meaning of a well written song. The structures tend to be boring and very predictable and like anything in the pop culture, it is way over hyped and has droves of fans that become obsessed with image. Surely people like that exist in metal, because they are trying to fit in, and they might find a place. The people who find it important to 'be' a certain way to like a certain genre are the kinds of people with the mentality of the christian church. If you aren't like me, the you aren't good enough.

I find some people like to live in the illusion of belonging because their self esteem is not strong enough to be comfortable liking what they really like. They don't spend the time to explore thier thoughts and surroundings to really find out who they are at this moment in life and where they want to be going. This, I find tends to lead to a life sensationalism, when all the products you "need"(or at least thats what they try to convince you of) are beaten into you unconsious without you even aware.

All in all, its this illusion of the pop culture, and selfish, self destructive self image that dominates all facits of advertizing, and when you don't have the courage to do and be what and who you want, there is always the easy way out of being like so many of the mindless sheep who see skin deep as the ultimate reality.
Silent Song said:
i do love concerts, however i dislike a majority of the crowd. i go to witness the band perform live, not get drunk and stoned.

Funny, that Burzum guy said the same thing... I BET YOU'RE A CLOSET NAZI!

(dials ADL)
Put basically, conformists wrap up their self-worth in what others think of them because they're unable to confidently decide what's valuable for themselves.
since I'm still in high school I've seen alot of these conformist looking for their self-esteem in other people's opinion about them. It's always been like this, and especially in high school. Damn! How can someone live a life worrying about what other people will think of his\her every move? I use to live a life like that. It was a living hell. I think I'm going off topic.....opps.....

Self-explanitory, though perhaps irrelevant.

I'm in high school too, and there is a surprisingly high number of people I like (though most of those are still pretty brainless) but still a large majority of worthless sheep I wouldn't mind exterminating.
speed said:
I havent been to a concert in years, nor do I care to pay money to watch homoerotic hillbillies fight with each other.

here here!

fortunately it's not that bad at Seattle shows; the crowd is pretty mild. But your classification of metal's supporting cast is, I suspect, universal.
Everybody conforms to one side or another, its unavoidable. Those people that you call sheep are definately conforming, but that is ok. Too many people gang up on those "sheep" in the name of non-conformity, not realizing the irony in joining the opposing side. It's a catch-22. The only way to avoid it is to attempt to reach some middleground between the two sides. I like some things that the majority crowd likes--Everybody does. But, of course, I like a hell of a lot of shit that the majority does'nt. To claim complete opposition to EVERYTHING that is popular or mainstream is hypocritical. Too many people identify themselves by who they ARE"NT, rather then who they are... A big mistake. Sorry for the rant.