Are we running out of things to say and talk about?


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
Maybe thats why the unusal ammount of polls ( or maybe cause we are all using new board features? )

Like some commediant named mike said in SNL: Talk among yourselves, ill give you a topic

Dark Tranquillity Doing a US tour with...something like Limp Biskit? would you make the sacrifice? would your opinion of DT would change? for good or for bad? Would you rather see DT opening to Limp Biskit in An american tour than not watching them live ever ( thats for the americans ) ?
i would surely go see dt anyway, but i'd go away earlier if i don't like the headliners (i almost did it when surmentioned headliners were in flames, too).
as for my opinion of the band, i'd certainly expect niklas or somebody else to make some public announcement explaining why it happened/had to happen, because otherwise it would seem rather incoherent to me. not for the fact that limp bizkit or other posers are nu-metal bands, mind you: if dt toured with depeche mode i'd certainly like to know why - and i like depeche mode - then i might decide the reason is sound or a bunch of silly crap. should the latter be the case, i would surely think they've done something completely unproper. if such behavior persists, i might consider stop liking the band's attitude (after all, everyone's entitled to make a mistake or two). that wouldn't affect what i think of their music, though, mainly because they don't voice opinions such as "we play xxx and do xxx and we're very proud of it".

i wouldnt, do you think if it did happen (we all know it wont, but do we really know? ;) ), that the case would be DT going up to Century Media and saying "Hey guys we wanna tour with this really kick ass rapcore band from the US, can we go?", I think its mainly CM who sets up the tours and not the boys themselves. I could be wrong but thats just my 2 cents.

Whoops, forgot hehe. FUCK YES I WOULD GO SEE THEM! =). I would never pass up a DT concert, if the opened for n synch id go watch them. Doesnt mean I wanna watch n synch hehe.
Yap,....that's definately a YES...I wouldn't mind at all...ehmm hey, what am I saying....I would yeap....I would hate to pay a ticket which would make money for LimpdogBisquit, but I sure would go.
I have done it some times goin' a gig just for the supporters, twice with sonata arctica, once with Eternal Tears Of Sorrow (even I like Nightwish too) and the worst was for Soilwork who toured with Nevermore, Annihilator and Rawhead Rex. I went just to see Soilwork and when I arrive to the venue they tell me Soilwork aren't to play..grrrrgrrrr...and those bastards even didn't told us why...unofficial rumour (quite official to me though) stated that they had too much party the night before....argh!
oh! ranting again...
well with the DT question, no! I wouldn't question them, tours on the states are not_so_easy for some bands, and if they have to use some crap_metal band is their own decision, but would be a pain in the ass sharing a venue with the mood of the numetalers