Are you ever happy with your music?


Oct 28, 2009
So is anyone else like me that they just simply cannot admit a song is finished, and will work on a single song for months, even though it actually reached it's best version after 2 weeks?
Thats why it's important to save multiple versions of the same song and get constructive feedback from people you trust. I allways send multiple versions of each song to my band members and ask for their honest opinions. Not that I tend to listen to them...
lol someone posts this topic i about every 2 months - you'll never be happy with it - face facts, burn your session to a dvd and bury it in the back garden and dont dig it up until your 70 and due to die

in the mean time....WRITE MORE MUSIC!
absolutely! been mixing the same songs for close to a year now. everytime i say it's done, i hear something new that could be better. always something.

two ways to think about this...

1. like you said, the song was probably done 2 weeks after you started. everything you do after that is most likely counter-productive and you could be actually shooting yourself in the foot and making the song worse.


2. like me - i've gone through so many iterations of thought on this - that i've realized that this is just the one CD i'm actually cutting my teeth on (metaphorically, speaking). i've actually started thinking more that it's a great learning experience, engineering-wise. although i don't yet have a finish product, i have gained an amazing wealth of experience i can take to the next project and hopefully avoid this indecision next time around. i think it's all about trusting one's self.
This is the plight of the musician :lol: I think we all suffer from this shit, and I can't really give advice when I think back to the hundreds of riffs I have compiled and several songs that are halfway complete. On the plus side, I have found that this gives me a wealth of options when working with my band on new material together, so I'm sure you can take all the things you aren't happy with and compile some killer shit :headbang:
i used to be exactly like this, then i discovered drugs and decided writing music sucks and that improvising and recording jam sessions is where its at, at least for me, so i got over this problem quite a while ago.
i used to be exactly like this, then i discovered drugs and decided writing music sucks and that improvising and recording jam sessions is where its at, at least for me, so i got over this problem quite a while ago.

Haha, actually I think the complete opposite, I can't stand most jazz because it's just improvisation... I love the improvised parts in bands like The Mars Volta though, and I listened the myspace of your band, Garth, I liked it but it's the kind of things I grow tired fast.

To answer the thread, I'm never satisfied in anything I'm doing, because I think it can always be better.
Haha, actually I think the complete opposite, I can't stand most jazz because it's just improvisation... I love the improvised parts in bands like The Mars Volta though, and I listened the myspace of your band, Garth, I liked it but it's the kind of things I grow tired fast.

To answer the thread, I'm never satisfied in anything I'm doing, because I think it can always be better.

the doom shit or my actual band band?
We never finish projects. We just abandon them.
My ability to be objective about my work fades in and out. Sometimes I'm happy with it and other times... Not so much.
Are you ever happy with your music?

Yes. All the time. I am my biggest fan. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't continue to do it...

If I don't like a song or two of mine, then I rehash them and pick them apart and keep what I do like... I don't spend (what I find to be) a ridiculous amount of time on my songs... they either work themselves out or they don't...
Yes. All the time. I am my biggest fan. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't continue to do it...

If I don't like a song or two of mine, then I rehash them and pick them apart and keep what I do like... I don't spend (what I find to be) a ridiculous amount of time on my songs... they either work themselves out or they don't...

+1 same thing here...
Enthusiasm is my drive! But when you´re working on a song more weeks or actually month, there grows often kind of "Hate -Love relationship". When this is the case, It´s good to hear some opinions from different peoples. For me it´s fucking important to hear some comments here at the rate my mix section then.
It depends..
I write stuff that i like myself obviously..
I tend to take the Gareth way of writing stuff though.. if one of my basic songs isn't written in one night i'll throw it away..
Same with recording, i'll do alot of main mixing when i'm tracking allready, and i shoot for a fast round up after initial recordings to keep my attention on the project fresh.
For this reason i reeeaaally like live recordings!

I can be focussed as fuck, but only for short periods.. after that i can't be arsed..

Quit a dificult way of working i guess, and it got me in some trouble, but i seem to have found a way of working around/with it :)