Are You in a Band?


Secret Agent Man
May 27, 2002
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The topic title states it all...

Are you in a band?

Explain what type of music you play and what you do in the band...
Yeah...although we dont have a singer right now, so it's all for nothing really... although we've got a few songs wrote.
Iron Maiden/Iced Earth type stuff, so i guess i'd just call ourselves heavy power metal? I dont even know.. there are millions of genres nowadays.
I play guitar, poorly mind you, but I play.
I am the guitarist of Flesh Fair wich is a darkwave atmospheric industrial metal band. If ya want an mp3 please email

I am also the co-lead vocals for a technically death band called Corpus Mortem (music is kinda in the same vein as Messhuga - yeah I prolly spelled that wrong)
Yep. And the Band is called "de Lirium's Order" and style is very difficult to describe. But(t) it's something like 80's heavy rock meets BM meets melodic DM... As i said, it's hard. So check out our website, listen samples and write to guestbook!

de Lirium's Order

Edit: Link didn't worked, but it should be ok...
I play guitar, Tuba(?) and make up melodies at the keyboard in our death-riff-inspired symphonic blackmetal with a little folk inspiration-band: "UlvedaL"...

You could mix a liiiiiitle Finntroll with Summoning and add some technical deathmetal + some brutal symphonic blackmetal... Then You, maybe, have an idea of it... :)

We rule...
I play bass in a melodic death metal band, name not trademarked/copyrighted yet, so can't tell you. Been with them for about three months now, should be ready to get into the studio by the end of summer. Really technical stuff...

I'm playing guitar in a project I'm getting rolling right now... got two songs finished, and another three in half-completion.

Will post MP3's when it's appropriate.
Nope, I just sit around, play guitar and write the odd riff. I can't seem to decide what style of music I'd like to play, y'see... every time I listen to a different style of music for a day, next time I pick up old Cerberus (my guitar's name) I'm coming up with riffs in that style - for instance, today I was watching the My Dying Bride DVD and went upstairs and started coming out with some good doom/death riffs, while last week I was listening to Hatebreed and writing some punishing metalcore riffs. It's not fair!
Dill: I know what you mean. I have trouble sticking to one style. However, I have been in bands long enough to figure out, no matter what style I play, it all sounds like something I came up with. In other words, you might enjoy several types of music, but you are also developing your own style without knowing it. Maybe that is just me though.
i am in a thrash meatl band, actually we call ourselves hick metal, but we're better than that, we have three guitarists(including me) and harmonize and shit, but we are still brutal in that old school way.

As for sounding like your favorite band, I used to be like that, after awhile you form your own style and only sound like another band when you want to cover them.
im in a death metal band,..,.,i play guitar.,.,.,.,we dont have our site up yet.,.we gonna record a 5 song demo toward the end of july i think.,.,.
Everytime I see this thread I think of the Cycle Sluts from Hell song "I Wish You Were a Beer." :)

Ulvedal - I used to play tuba too!

I used to be in a few bands, but not anymore. Mark has two of my CDs for the UM store, if he ever puts them in there.
Right now I'm in a band with a bunch of philosophy sudents. We're calld the Incompleteness Theorem, which is a horrible nme, I know. I don't even like to mention it. The singer and I wanted to be Swordfight. It's more or less post-punk. We're mixing our "album" right now.

In six short weeks I move back to LA. There I'm starting a band called Project Rockstar. Here's the idea. Everyone from my neighborhood is now a rock star (Incubus, Linkin Park, Hubustank, I used to actualy be friends and in a band with the guitarist from Linkin Park) so I figure I'm entitled to be one too. So we're basically going to write shit that we think will be popular. The only off thing is that we're going to be very explicit about what we're doing. So one song will be "A song so teenage girls will like us" the next song might be "but this song will allow teenage boys to buy the alum without feeling like pussies" It will be an obnoxious combination of nu metal and emo. Oh, if I didn't say so, I play guitar and sing. I might also do a serious band if I have time. Ruthless Reviews is a demanding mistress. Oh, and then there's work. blech.
Here are my bands/roles:

North(guitars/backing vocals)-This is a tough project to describe. It takes an assortment of great riffs and makes epic progressive blackened metal songs. Overall, probably a good comparison could be Dissection, enslaved, or Opeth. Check the sig for an mp3

Wars of Winter(Guitar/bass/vocals/programming)-Dark progressive metal with a very melancholy feel to the music. Whereas North is heavier and faster in general, Wars of Winter is more about dark and weird melodies. Kinda folky as well. See sig!
:lol: :lol: I always thought it would be cool to do a shite pop album that gets you really popular and famous then do another album like brutal grindcore stuff - all the people into pop will still buy it and they'll never know until they hear it...muahaha :devil: