Aria (The Russian Iron Maiden)

Terminus Est

Dec 8, 2002
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Who in this Maiden BB is familiar with this band? These guys from Russia are so far the best Maiden clone(except for the singing) that I've ever heard. They have been around since the mid-80s and are still pretty active and one of Russia's most popular metal bands. The most notable difference between Aria and Maiden is Aria's singer, who sounds more somewhat like a cross between Rob Halford and Hansi Kursch(Blind Guardian's singer) than like Bruce Dickinson.

I have all of Aria's albums and last year they released their latest album "Christening by Fire" which I also have. If you disliked the British Dance of Death, then you'd probably like the Russian one(though the Russian one sounds pretty distinct from the British one). ;)

BTW, you don't have to mind the fact that this band also sings completely in Russian.
Iced In Flames said:
Originally Posted by metal17
ummm...I can't seem to find anything on aria...but I did manage to see a few aria giovanni pics :)

Same here!
Oh come on you two this band DOES exist. Go search the UM Hub as there are a few people there who have their albums(like I do.)

Also, do a search for Aria on and you'll know that it exists.
я никогда не слышал их
Yeah i know Aria a friend from Russia moved to America over here ... His favorite band is Aria and my favorite band is Iron Maiden ... It's pretty crazy ive seen video's of Aria and songs tons of stuff he has it all there not really a clone just pretty similar ... But they are not a rip off or just copying or anything They have a different sound to there shit ... They are a great band and like something about like some band members quit and made another band it's called Kipelov ( Pronounced ) Keep-yiel-oaf ...