Just got back from the show. Missed the first two songs of Hypocrisy due to the venue being run like shit. I mean seriously, if you're gonna frisk people going into a show, and you have about 800 people going into the show, wouldn't it make sense to have more than one fucking guy doing it? Aside from that, the show ruled. What I saw of Hypocrisy kicked ass, and Bodom fucking shredded. I couldn't believe how good they sounded live. Nevermore kind of bores me. I really like that style usually, but there's just somethig about them that I just can't get into. Dimmu put on a helluva show. Overall, good fucking show, but I wish Nevermore would have opened so I could've seen all of Hypocrisy. Not to mention both Bodom and Hypocrisy should've been allowed to play longer.