ARK back together?


What they did was outstanding, but when I think ARK, I think Tore fucking Ostby. Same deal with Conception.

What I am saying is I can't imagine another vocalist in that band

Don't get me started on Tore:worship:notworthy:worship:
(or what Johnny Mac brought to Ark as well)

Conception is... well.......

Let me just say Glenn is my personal god after getting that reunion show together

I never EVER thought I would get a chance to see them live and he made it happen

Tore and Conception are some of the best stuff ever IMO
ARK without Jorn? This is a dream come true! Lande may have been good six years ago, but lately I haven't been a fan of his voice at all. Now they can get a magnificent vocalist to replace him and create their best album yet. As long as Tore is still on, anything is possible.

Also, Conception was fantastic.
Ark without Jorn is not Ark in my eyes, but again if a new vocalist proves worthy may worth to check it up. After all the music was always astounding.
If Jorn Lande doesn't want to do it, then they should simply get Adrian Holtz, the guy who was supposed to be Lande's replacement in Ark before they called it quits. Holtz featured on a couple of songs on John Macaluso's solo album and he is an AMAZING singer. As good as Jorn Lande to me.

EDIT: I dug out the John Mac interview where he talked about Holtz and Ark.

SoT: Let's talk about Adrian Holtz a little. He is credited as the singer of Ark , but ever since Jorn Lande left the band, Ark has been inactive. What is scoop on Ark these days?

John: ARK is over and will never, ever be a band again, never. Me and Randy, Jorn and Mats still keep in touch and I will work with all of these guys again, but not ever in ARK. It's a shame, but the situation got too painful for everyone because of one. Adrian Holtz, I met in Boston , while searching for a new ARK singer, he is the coolest guy and an amazing singer. He lives in New York now and we work together on a lot of projects. My solo album is the first you will hear him on. We wanted him for ARK , but the band couldn't go on anymore. He rocks, very dark but hooky voice and that's what I love about him. I wanted the music on my record to be dark and moody but have a pop aspect to it, Adrian was perfect for that, a mixture of David Bowie, Roger Waters and Bono, with a metal way.

For full interview: