Some more detail from their
About page:
"...Arkham's Razor is a band featuring Lee Small, Neil Hibbs, Mart Trail, Erik Engebretsen and Geoff Nicholls.
Heavy riffy guitars and melodic vocals.
"Welcome to the sideshow that never ends.." - The opening line to 'Carnival of Lost Souls' the debut album from Arkham's Razor…This album is no 'side-show' however!…It's a front-stage and centre chunk of melodic/progressive rock that commands your attention!
Led by the vision of guitarist (and songwriter) Neil Hibbs (Live shows for SHY, Tainted Nation and personally selected by internationally acclaimed guitarist Ronni Le Tekro (TNT) to provide tablature for Le Tekro's 'International Guitar Academy,’
He is also known for his involvement on the Tony Mills (SHY, TNT) solo album 'Vital Designs' for which he wrote the music & contributed all guitar work. ') and graced by the presence of vocalist (and story-teller) extraordinaire Lee Small (SHY, Skyscraper, Phenomena) this is an album that you will keep on rotation for many years to come as each listen rewards you with something new to your ears!
The thunderous, yet melodic and (at times) intricate rhythms that you will encounter on this album are glued together by the talents and character of Mart Trail (Fury, Tainted Nation) on bass, Erik Engebretsen (A much respected session musician from Norway) on drums…and wait, popping up for a guest slot, keyboard genius and rock legend Geoff Nicholls (notably of Black Sabbath)..."