I was in the military for almost nine years, and if you really want to do it and are of military caliber, go for it. I left because my life was headed in a different direction than the military, so my reasons for leaving had nothing to do with my reasons for joining.
Also, it's really not good to ask people who have never been in the military what their opinion of it is, whether it be good or bad. That's like asking a drummer what kind of strings you should use for your guitar. Nothing against these people, they just don't know. Would you ask a carpenter how to repair an automobile?
It's a decision you must make for YOU. Just because the military was great for one person doesn't mean you'll enjoy it. I know lots of people who still enjoy being in the US military, even with all the problems we have right now; I'm not talking about wars, either. The US military has undergone a transformation and is being run like a business rather than a military organization. Too much emphasis on public opinion, perceptions, etc. It's mainly political now, whereas years ago it wasn't so. Of course, there will be politics in everything, but the military is overrun with politicians in uniform now.
I have served with the Dutch military, and I must say from my perspective that public opinion doesn't really factor in too much in what they do. The Dutch employ their forces very similarly to how the US does, only without the political correctness bullshit.
Again, the people who say "you're an idiot for wanting to do that" or "YEAH GO KILL EVERYONE!!!!!" usually are completely clueless to the military anyway, so just forget their advice. If it's what you want to do, do it and do it with honor and pride. Don't let public opinion sway you. You must remember, however, that you will be called upon to do things that you may not want to do or may completely disagree with, but you must do them because you signed on the dotted line. If you can uphold this high standard of living, then go for it.