Arsis,Crowpath and Suffocation(demo) mp3s.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2003
If anyone else wants to post shit do it......(this will be the thread for that)

Arsis-A Celebration of Guilt(A mix of Melodic BM,Grind and Death Metal) AWSOME STUFF
The Face of My Innocence 5:33
Return 4:42
The Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement Letters 4:25

Crowpath-Red on Chrome(Tech Metal from Sweden)
Track 02 2:12
Track 08 3:04
Track 09 2:00

Capharnaum-Fractured(Tech DM from Florida featuring Martyr, EX Gorguts and Trivium members)
Ingrained 3:50
Fractured 3:52

If you are interested in finding out more on those bands go to:

Suffocation-Demo's(NYC Death Metal legends have returned and will be putting there 4th fullength/6th album release "Souls To Deny" on Relapse Records around April..... so watch out for that beast.)
Subconsciously Enslaved demo 4:26
Deceit demo 4:10

Line up:
Frank Mullen - Vocals
Terrance Hobbs - Rythmn/Lead Guitar
Guy Marchais - Rythmn/Lead Guitar (EX Pyrexia, EX Internal Bleeding)
Derek Boyer - Bass (Vital Remains,Decrepit Birth, EX Deprecated, EX Dying Fetus)
Mike Smith-Drums(Demise of The Clone...solo project)

Song titles for "Souls To Deny" include...
Souls To Deny
Subconsciously Enslaved
Surgery of Impalement
Tomes of Atrimony
Immortally Condemned
Demise of the Clone
To Weep Once More