Arsonists Get All The Girls – The Game Of Life


Oct 22, 2006
Arsonists Get All The Girls – The Game Of Life
Century Media –Barcode 5051099770621– Out Now
By Dan Fisher


Arsonists Get All The Girls is probably the best band name I've heard for ages. They are mixture of grindcore vocals with melo-death drums and guitars. There is also a keyboard but that's a bit crap and gimmicky. What really sticks in your head is the technical prowess, the melodic brutality and the knowing of what makes a truly ace metal track. The whole album is a jingle-jangle, stop-start giant kick in the gonads and they might just be the next 'big thing'. Take 'Cuffed To Your Ankles' for instance. What starts as a kind of math metal workout quickly turns into a metalcore stomp before changing into death metal and then finally into introspective spaz rock a la Isis. Maybe this all too much to take in but the listener is rewarded over multiple spins. This is definitely a grower not a shower.

The record company describes the band as 'insane'. Well, thats just silly. One thing you can level at the band however, is they seem to possess a good sense of humour. When asked what their new album is about they replied: "'The Game of Life' offers its own take on what happens when a gay train derails on its way to straight town." The future's bright. The future's pink.

Official Arsonists Get All The Girls Website
Official Century Media Website