Article/interview in Boston Phoenix

"The heavier of the two new Opeth albums, Deliverance, came out in November, but the moody, keyboard-laced Damnation (both Koch) won’t hit stores for another few months. That gives fans plenty of time to sink their teeth into Deliverance, a harrowingly sophisticated work that’s building on the critical buzz of its predecessor: the band combine the technical precision of countrymen Meshuggah and In Flames with a black-metal feel for atmospherics that includes liberal use of percussion and acoustic guitar. Akerfeldt’s voice is uncommonly musical for a death-metal frontman, and his sprawling compositions routinely eclipse the 10-minute mark."

Meshuggah are from Norway I think....

For the most part, Akerfeldt’s lyrics are as unsettling as his music. Take "Deliverance," which doesn’t have the kind of happy ending its title implies. "I based ‘Deliverance’ on this mad guy that had been attacking [guitarist Peter Lindgren]’s girlfriend. He was jealous because his girlfriend had broken up with him, and Peter’s girlfriend was friends with his ex-girlfriend, so she was one of his targets. He had Peter’s girlfriend and a couple of her friends in a room, and he was cutting himself and telling them he would kill them. And he eventually killed himself. Not that the lyric is specifically about his deeds. I just based everything on a madman killer’s point of view."

Ok now this is new to me... =)
Thanks very much for posting. I really enjoyed the interview.

ps- if you can scrounge up an extra original copy of the newspaper, please PM me. C'mon your neighbors must have recycling day soon, right! :D