ARTISAN sounds are up for crucifiction!


I like a nice salad......
Nov 13, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Hello Friends,
I've written before about my band ARTISAN and got some nice
respons and interest about hearing sounds. If you don't recall hearing from me, if you remember,
I mentioned that Van Williams created our logo for us. Well very crude versions for your temporary
satisfaction has been posted on our web site. There are video Quicktime as well as MP3 clips.
Why crude? These sounds were extracted from a video of our very first show.
We will hopefuly in coming months have a legit and pro demo up. So for now we hope this tides
some of your interests over. An email I'm happy to recieve but sick of getting, "When can I hear something".
Drop us a line and let us know what you think. Any metalhead's oppinion is valued!
Take Care all,

Mike - Artisanbass

P.S. Is it me, or do some of the new song titles for the new up and coming Nevermore album look like some dark songs? That would be rad.
Yep Led it sure is. It's one of the independant film houses. As long as it's not the same type of business, it's cool. i.e. the word Acme and so on. Thanks for the concern.

Let us know what you think of the tunes when you have the chance.

Mike- Artisanbass
Its not a bd name man, not at all. I just wanted to be sure i was not flippin out.

Yeah, Ill check your stuff out..thanks for the link
Thanks for the words. We will be doing a small, pro demo that will be available in the next few months. We will have the songs posted on our site and will be mailing cd's out most likely for the price of shipping. On the very front part of our website, there's a section where you can sign up for our email news and we'll inform you when the sounds are available. We don't spam , in case some are concerened. Thanks again!

Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy Regards.

Mike - Artisanbass