ARTISAN sounds now available for crucifiction!


I like a nice salad......
Nov 13, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Hi there,

Well I'm writing to let you know that ARTISAN now has mp3's and a few Quicktime movies up from our first gig here in Los Angeles. It was quite a fun show. We've lagged on getting our demo out there cause we took on the show. We figured in return for all our friend's paitence we'd put some sounds and video up of our first gig. Now please keep in mind that the sound is very crude as it was taken off a a video camera. The sound at the club kinda blew as well, but excuses, excuses right? lol
Any how, I just don't want out friends who have been so supportive to think that we've been slacking. We've been working very hard and were quite excited to get a nice pro demo going.
So go check out some highlights and drop us a line in the guestbook and let us know what you think for starters. All metal fan's oppinions are welcome!

Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy Regards,