Asking Alexandria lolz

Obligatory post in faggy thread
I'd go all big gay al on everyone but I can't particularly be bothered
Damn Cockspotters :lol:

Unfortunately I googled it too. I mean, i didnt make the pic full size or stare at his dick like some people. ;)
Btw, the dude looks like a total fruit ( in every pic).
The fuck? Did he put this online himself? I can honestly say that I have never even remotely had the urge to take a picture of my dick in the mirror before and I find it downright retarded that a guy would do that and then put it on the internet. It's normal when girls do this kind of thing...its just creepy when its a dude. lol
Well if you did it, it would be creation + distribution of child pornography, unfortunately.

im 18 brotha. Can't tell if you're just making a joke or trying to imply that I'm too young to understand the art of boner pics. I guess I could explain more that what makes this retarded to me is how it looks like one of those pics dudes take of their abs in the mirror and put on facebook like an ego boost or something, except theres just a boner thrown in for good measure. Maybe it was for a girlfriend or something, less weird, but I could completely see it as just a dude admiring himself in the mirror in a totally gay way.