
New Metal Member
Jul 23, 2009
I hear a lot of hateful opinions about this album, so I'm asking the people who are mature enough not to express those negative opinions to do so and try to think of the positive points of this album.

For me?

I loved the guitar riffs in I'm The Highway and The Mirror's Truth.
I also enjoyed the vocals in Alias and Sober and Irrelevant.
As for The Chosen Pessimist, I thought it was quite well.. Beautiful.

Anyone else have any positive comments about this album? I know it's not the same In Flames we've loved over the years, but I hope some of you at least appreciate a bit of this work.
It's melodic, it makes the band happy, it's something new.
Thanks man =), I've been reading a lot of your posts and to see you say this makes me really happy.

What genre would you consider them now? I think its more of just a melodic metal than a melodic death metal, I mean sometimes I feel like he can still get his voice deep, and of course they still play the old stuff live, so I still consider them to be a bit melodic death.
Whilst ASOP isn't In Flames best effort by a long shot, it's still nowhere near as bad as some people make out. In Flames set themselves extremely high standards with TJR - R2R and have been suffering from not being able to maintain them ever since.

ASOP has some nice melodies, the cleans are in parts as good as Anders has done thus far, and when I first listened to the album quite a few chorus lines got stuck in my head.

It's a shame Eraser, Abnegation and Tilt were not on the album. If two of those songs had replaced TCP, and TCP had been selected for the EP, it would have improved my opinion of the album.

Still, if we're counting the EP as a part of ASOP, it was their best EP to date (except possibly Black-Ash Inheritance).
Definitely i'd agree with has good melodies and some catchy choruses.....but it does lack in the general power and riffage that older albums least for Anders attempts on a lot of songs seemed redundant, almost cookie cutter shot at filling the vocal duties. But there were good vocal lines too. I'd also agree that the EP would have been better spent on the album and TCP taken off. Eraser and Tilt were two of the better songs I'd say.
I actually like the album as a whole. As everyone says, the album represents a slight change in their music, though it's mostly vocals as far as I could notice. I'm not some guitar expert or whatever, but the riffs also seemed to sound nice.
As for my favorite songs from the album, well, I guess they are The Chosen Pessimist, Delight and Angers, and Eraser, counting the EP.
The Rest of the songs are also nice, but those 3 up there stand aside for me :)
It's not extremely shit, but it's not anything like something ultra genius.

Anyways I like all the songs and love especially the demo version of Abnegation.

And btw. I might be not a person suitable for reviewing music at all, I just listened to new Dream Theater, now this one song which was on this year's eurovision, flor de lis, a long song title...
I'll add some more things I do like about ASOP.

I very much enjoy Ander's older style of vocals, it was definitely more "brutal" and dark, BUT I won't lie, it's my opinion that I find his new vocals very beautiful.

He has a very unique voice, and his higher screams are very good in my opinion, and I find the higher screams to be the most difficult (Personally, I practice screams/growls every night, and I can't even start to get the high stuff down).

Another thing I'd like to mention, their song "alias" sounds more mainstream than most other In Flames songs, this would usually bother me, but I can't help but say I think the song is very catchy and fun.