ASP 008 vs Digi 002 preamp shootout


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
Hey guys...

...yesterday i found a thread that Marcus started - the dual rectifier 2 ch. vs roadster comparison. So i recorded his DI's thorugh my roadster and found out an interesting thing (for me at least).
Signal chain -> ASP 008 micpre connected through ADAT to my digi002

So is started to reamp the DI's through the ASP008 first and found out that the light clips on the interface while the meters in protools are only @ -0db (12db to go +till clipping point) it alway like that throug ADAT connection?

So i tried it with the DIGI preamps and it worked pritty normal... no clippin in the signal until the meters in PT were clipping... so the digi signal was louder than the audient signal.


First 2 are DIGI , second 2 are Audient

...i had to normalize it to show u the difference...don't know which one i like more...maybe the audient because it's brighter...


Asp 008


EDIT: sorry for the wrong sub-forum... can an admin move it to equipment please!?