
Nut Butter

Nov 27, 2003
I made the colossal mistake of purchasing a diet Nestea instead of regular Nestea as I usually do... I think this is my first time actually tasting diet stuff. Do people actually drink this shit? It's fucking insanely sweet! Like drinking some sort of alien chemical syrup. FUCK! :mad: And the worst part is I still sip it 'cause a man needs his hydration, y'know?
i actually don't mind aspartame in colas and stuff, but have you tried that low-carb/calorie tropicana orange juice with splenda? it tastes like cloying ass nuggets in liquid form. i almost puked. :(
i'd like to let you know that i deleted a post before the above post. i accidently typed "ass nugents" instead of "ass nuggets." i don't know what it is, but i feel so guilty after i delete a post. i thought i'd confess the ass nugents thing, just to get it off my chest.
Haha! Just as I read "ass nugents" for the first time I let out a loud guffaw that would've probably gotten me fired if it wasn't the end of the day and more people were around.
Thanks for the honesty though, as I did notice that there were 2 responses when I first read your post, and then since it was the only one I started getting all paranoïd like someone was messin' with my shit or sumthin'...
I never notice if stuff is diet or not. It all tastes the same to me. No wonder they feed me unhealthy, expired food. :(