Assailant - Nemesis Within


Apr 5, 2003
Assailant - Nemesis Within
Dockyard 1 - DY100192 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


The assault begins with... hey wait, Nemesis Within starts with a very short music box intro. THEN the assault begins. Hooray, pounding guitars, heavy melodic content, and mighty trained progressive-metal type vocals... this might be a good combination! Assailant have crafted somewhat of a hybrid between progressive metal, and melodic death... strange, you say? Indeed. The vocals are mostly clean, with the occasional scream - but the screams aren't released too often. Assailant have a great talent for melody, and arrangements! And the best part is, Nemesis Within is NOT overly corny; in fact, it's quite a good listen.

The songs aren't too long, but they are extremely exciting, and packed with a wall of sound. The guitar leads featured throughout Nemesis Within have that sweet "old school" heavy metal sound, and even the occasional square wave is broken out from the keyboard.. or synthesizer... whatever they use. Nowadays, keyboards feature square waves, so it's difficult to guess whether they use a synthesizer or a normal keyboard, but I'd have to say considering the other keyboard elements throughout, they probably use a keyboard... or who knows, maybe they use BOTH. People who don't play keyboards will find this whole section very boring and pointless.

It would be tough to compare these guys to another group... Indeed, their sound is very unique. One might possibly describe them as modern heavy metal? That is, when you try to assume what the evolution of heavy metal would be - if not power metal - which these guys aren't. I guess you'll just have to listen to it for yourself, as music is just music and everyone will have their own opinions on what genre it is. One thing is certain: Nemesis Within is definitely worth checking out if you haven't already, especially for fans of power metal or even heavy metal. Melodic and aggressive at the same time whilst changing moods and styles throughout; yes, you must hear it for yourself.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Assailant Website
Official Dockyard 1 Website
This is a great CD. The singer really reminds me of a mix between David Dramain of Disturbed and Ville from Sentenced! Sounds crazy, I know, but it totally works.

I'll be reviewing this one soon.