
It's a music album. :) Haven't bought it yet. He's doing a signing at a store here in Brisbane, I'm not gonna go though cos he'll probably steal all the women who would otherwise be perving at me.
You mean the solo album with the greatest cover ever done, I am of course referring to... When You Wish Upon A Star.
Pure musical genius. No wonder Kiss have the most gold records of any band!
I've heard its horrible. Apparently the title track is the best song on the album too. That doesn't say much considered the bad reviews of that song I've heard on here haha!
Paul's solo album will be much better. He's promised us "something different" this time, which hopefully means it won't be a one man KISS album or a collection of forgettable 80s power ballads.

*ducks punches from Trent*

Is it too much to hope for Stan to go back to his roots and release a folk album? I want to hear the sort of songs he was writing in the late 60s when he used to walk through Greenwich Village with a harmonica around his neck and play for food money :lol:.

An album of 80s ballads by Paul would rock! :headbang: He shouldnt do ANYTHING different, he should just write rock songs, thats what he is best at!
Hey Wrathy or Trix or anyone else

I've seen mention of a live Animalize video or DVD which can be purchased by import. Have any of you seen it? Any good?
I have it on video and it's bloody brilliant :headbang:. Ridiculous outfits, funny stage banter and the Stanley-Simmons-Kulick-Carr line up in top form. What more could you want, except maybe for a seven minute Eric drum solo that kicks into War Machine?

I've only seen guitar solos from a few songs from it on a Bruce Kulick instructional video I bought off Wrathy :headbang: It looks AWESOME! The outfits are terrible though haha. Obviously coming from me this is nothing to do with their glamness, just that they don't suit them. You know the saying, nothing looks sillier than a football player in a tutu, well that's what Gene looks like, they just look awkward! And Bruce does look kinda like a tree playing guitar like Paul says on Konfidential haha! He looks funny. Paul and Eric look pretty cool though!

It looks awesome though! I'm dying to get the whole thing! And Kulick's solo in I Still Love You in it sounds KILLER!

As for Paul's solo album, I think it will be good but a disappointment. I only say a disappointment because I think in their minds everyone is picturing an album full of Who Wants To Be Lonelys and Turn On The Nights and it ain't gonna be that, unfortunately.