Astral doors new album review.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Another of my psycho reviews. I must apologize for the weird wording and the fragments of thoughts but it's fdifficult to get all my emotions while hearing into print.

Astral Doors is back with their second album, if you like the debut this one will shake your foundations, and if you don't...well you should, go and mend your sin!

‘Bride Of Christ’: talk about an opener! Pure Dio/Rainbow stuff only on steroids, we all know Nils vocals resemblance the almighty dwarf but in Astral Doors goes beyond tribute into worship. Fast, heavy, powerful what else can you ask from a metal song?
The drumming pounds like there’s no tomorrow and the keyboards are so well fit that hurts, add to that a well crafted guitar playing and the result is like sex without side effects :D

‘Time To Rock’: you want some different valuable power metal from Europe? This song is the answer to your prayers. Not as fast as the opener, but full of passion/energy. Owes a great deal to Dio material like ‘Lat In Line’, ‘Rainbow In The Dark’, still is feels original enough to avoid criticism as cloning. The choruses are infectious, lovely to sing along.

‘Evil Is Forever’: and I hope so. The title track starts with a keyboard intro that is so fucking good that worth the whole album for me, turns into a mean riff and lift-off on a crunchy mid-tempo deal that reminds me a lot of the Rainbow spirit in many of “Long Live Rock’N’Roll” songs. The amalgam of guitars and keys dimension the song to a high point musically speaking, and unlike many neo-classical (or bad power) bands the keys here are supportive and intelligent not wankery or flowerness.

‘Lionheart’: no, not the Saxon song, and not as majestic either, but surely not bad ;) . Heavy, energetic bathed in wonderful vocals and riffing, to rinse keyboards embedded in the 70’s. Fans of Deep Purple will have to take note on this one.

‘Praise The Bones’: relentlessly this album keeps on pounding with another dose of crunchy/energetic/melodic metal. What amazes me is the spirit of giving no quarters the music delivers. A real we came for your soul attitude.

‘Pull The Break’: funny name for a song that goes fast as hell. It should have been named press the accelerator. In any case this is the spirit good power metal is made of, and the chorus is catchy as a spider web. I can perfectly imagine this as a live song making everybody slamming in an infernal riot. Drums that pound like crazy, a guitar that knows how to pinch your nervous system, and vocals to die for. If you want to know where the money of the purchase went, it was here.

‘Fear In The Eyes’: slower and tamer, but fear not a ballad. Good mid-tempo steamroller, the amazing thing is how this band fills the speakers, like a musical tsunami pouring over you. What I like a lot of the solos are that they’re not pretentious, same with the keyboards. The formula is to deliver food for thought, not to drown your brain cells.

‘Stalingrad’: starts with a mellow acoustic guitar, and then jumps into a mid-tempo melodic punch. The weakest so far (if you can find a weak song in here), have a bit of oriental melody intertwined at moments that doesn’t click with the name. Anyway, not a bad song for sure.

‘From The Cradle To The Grave’: a rocker by all means. It has that vibe that makes you tap the floor while listening, and by the time the chorus hit you are looking for a partner to dance the floor away (yes I believe rock is great for shaking the bones). I wonder what people in the mid 70’s would had think on this type of music?

‘The Flame’: and here we go again, no parole, no mercy, and fastening your seat belt will be a neat idea too. How these guys made it I don’t know, but the formula seems to work in each and every song. I’m sure that their live show must be a lifetime experience. I can’t think of a single reason to skip this album, unless you’re dead.

‘Path To Delirium’: a great name for the final song, because by this time I’m delirious. Starts softly with some narrative and a dark guitar, flows into a neat chorus and suddenly it shows Nils finest vocal work IMO. With the help of a neat chorus in the background and the veer present magical keyboard the song invades your ears and took over your head.

I know some of you already have it, those who don’t (like me) have to get it as soon as available. For us in OS this is what we crave for 21st century bands that delivers the sound we long so much for. Ultra-highly recommended.
The 1st album was pretty good... I'll have to check this one out too. So many cds... so little time (and money)...
I also love this album but I honoustly have to say the vocals bother me a bit, well bothering is a big word. They are VERY good but sooooo Dio-alike , like this could be a Dio album. So I would say; this album gets a 9/10 from me but the band allways will have to deal with the Dio 'tag', and that won't do them good. So I'm a bit two-hearted about this album (or how do you say that..) .
I'm here to say Astral Doors KICKS ASS! I don't care one lick if they sound like Dio. Like I tell all my friends, Astral Doors plays the kind of music that Dio SHOULD BE playing in the 21st Century. Heavy, energetic, and melodic, I am a huge Astral Doors fan. I've spun their first album at least 100 times and I've had Evil is Forever since it first came out. It's probably got at least 20 spins on it.

To be honest, I still like the first one a tad better. I thought it had more variety of songs and certain tracks really stuck in my head. This new one is lacking that in my opinion. I really like it everytime I hear it, but it hasn't called to me to pull it off the shelf like the first one did.

Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with Astral Doors. It's old school all the way, excellent production, and creative songwriting without being proggy. No mellow stuff either for those of you who wrinkle their nose at ballads. It's just ball-pounding rock from beginning to end.
carnut said:
I also love this album but I honoustly have to say the vocals bother me a bit, well bothering is a big word. They are VERY good but sooooo Dio-alike , like this could be a Dio album. So I would say; this album gets a 9/10 from me but the band allways will have to deal with the Dio 'tag', and that won't do them good. So I'm a bit two-hearted about this album (or how do you say that..) .

The fact that they have the "Dio-esque" sound is what got them a lot of attention in the first place (I heard about 'em on a Sabbath message board), so they probably wouldn't be in there best interest to deviate from that sound too much...
What's everyone think of Patrik Johansson's other project (Wuthering Heights) ?
wdiv said:
What's everyone think of Patrik Johansson's other project (Wuthering Heights) ?

a) Actually Nils is the second singer (last album) of WH. Said that, it is one of the best albums I've heard. Kick ass ALL THE WAY, the 'Longing For The Woods' trilogy worth the price of the slab, the time to hear it, and a sensible dinner with your couple :loco:. Along with Skyclad one of the best folk metal bands I've heard. Highly recommended.

b) Nils also put his voice to the service of Space Odyssey, a neo-classical project from Richard Andersson (Majestic, Time Requiem, Silver Seraph). I will render a review of SO last album soon. If you like neo-classical metal in which keyborads flow like Malmsteen guitar, this stuff is for you (at least is for me :p ).
Oh yeah, I love that third Wuthering Heights album too! The intro/outro to Land of Olden Glory is quite possibly the most melodic and beautiful piece of music ever written. Normally I don't like the speedy bands, but I make an exception for Wuthering Heights.

As for Nils singing on Far From the Madding Crowd, you can't even tell it's the same guy from Astral Doors. Well, maybe in a couple small spots. But for the most part you'd think it was a completely different singer. That man has a very talented and versatile voice. He's one of my fave singers for sure.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
As for Nils singing on Far From the Madding Crowd, you can't even tell it's the same guy from Astral Doors. Well, maybe in a couple small spots. But for the most part you'd think it was a completely different singer. That man has a very talented and versatile voice. He's one of my fave singers for sure.

If you hear Space Odyssey you will have the same feeling, part Astral Doors, part Wuthering Heights he proves his vocal talents.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Is it really speedy, Wyv? You know me, I don't much care for the fast shit. With Wuthering I tolerate it because all the folky and mid-tempo parts are so glorious.

Think about Malmsteen type of fast around "Marching Out". Actually is slower than Astral Doors IMO.