At The Gates


Feb 2, 2005

I was wondering if anyone here knows what amps were used for "Slaughter Of The Soul"?
if you buy the re-released version with the bonus tracks, there are liner notes from tomas lindberg, and he tells you how they got that guitar sound. i cant remember what it was though.
axeman720 said:
he says one boss heavy metal pedal and one metal zone with a peavey supreme 160 head a 2x10 and 2x12. literally.

Yes, thats it. I remember reading years back. he uses the 2x10 and 2x12's in a cab he made himself (when I say himself I forget which guitarist). I have no clue what the other guitarist was using.
SOLID STATE bitches!!!!! I wonder how they used/set the two distortion pedals up. That album has some killer tone. H E A V Y
YEAH! I thought it was a 5150 all the time! Or maybe some modded Marshall or maybe an ENGL, but... solid state AND pedals... wow, technology rules.
I read an interview with one of the Bjorler brothers, that i was some crappy amplifier modded by their father - and that it didn't sound good at all - but somehow it just suited the entire me, one of the gretest guitarsounds ever
I bet if you dial that tone in though, you'd probably think it was a bit wierd and phasey. I agree it totally suits the record, great vibe on that album, and i think its one of those gtrs sounds that works because of everything else around it. It fits the mix created by the other instruments great.
I've read here before that At The Gates used a Marshall 8080 combo (2x12 fixed cab) but yesterday while doing the regular search on ebay for peavey amps, I found a guy selling Peavey Supreme for a very high price (with the excuse that he had to pay for school tuition.. :)) I agree with durbans, it sounds like 5150 and their tone is killer on that album and also on Terminal Spirit Disease.

Can someone tell me if the drums here (Slaughter Of The Soul) were recorded using triggers? I recently came to know that most of Andy's works were done using triggers, and they happen to be my favourite drum sounds, like Arch Enemy's "Anthems" or Exodus's "Tempo".

Oh, and in general... are usually toms done with triggers as well? Or is it just better for kick drum and snare?