at what point do you become an elitist

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
seems like i snub off nearly everything. i feel its because all these bands really do blow and lack talent. this partly has todo with this nu "metal" trend.

so what do you think. where is the line drawn? personally i think i'm gettin pretty damn close. just lil things ive noticed myself saying on message boards and shit hehehe
I don't think I have quite yet. I mean, I still try as much as I can to push my tastes as far outside of metal as I can, even though I know metal is still my favorite.
I usually give bands a fair chance, but with nu-metal, I'm beginning to notice a pattern of crapness, so I avoid it. I don't really bother trying to explain how crap it is to other people. If they can't realise it themselves, they don't deserve to. ;)

Not sure if that answers the question, really. The term 'elitist' isn't completely clear to me.
i think by the time that you can say which band is "true" and which one is fake. There are many bands that their members are trying to show something that they don't believe in their normal lives. This is just a show and I am really dissapointed by these kind of people. Cause they may play some good music with good lyrics for you but knowing that this music comes from some people that they actually don't mean these lyrics in their hearts, and they just talking bullshit just to "sell", that makes me sad. But of course there are the bands that are obvious really BAD! Naming no names.-
I reckon you cross the line to elitist when...

You slag off bands without having listened to them, using only what you've heard about them as ammunition.

You slag off fans of bands you dislike, accusing them of having no taste/intelligence/individuality/credibility (delete as applicable).

You begin to affect an air of superiority based solely on the fact that no-one else has heard of, or cares about, the bands you listen to almost exclusively.

You suddenly profess to dislike a band you previously held up as 'true' because, in the course of their natural progression as musicians, and without a radical change in their style, they have begun to gain attention outside of underground circles.

I could be wrong, though, but those things all say 'elitist' to me.
I think that I have been moving away from elitism for years, and I try to be open to all forms of music. During the winter months I don't like much outside of the extreme metal genre though.

I never called Metallica sell-outs. :D
I don't think I fit any of the above points but i want usually bother listening to a band described as nu-metal

Is that elitist?
I slag off people who won't give my music a chance, and who are obviously ignorant and closed-minded. I dislike most bands in the genre 'nu metal'. I don't slag off bands I haven't heard, though. I enjoy the exclusivity of the bands I listen to, but I would still like them if they went mainstream, as long as their music remains of high quality. I don't use the term 'true'.

Guess I'm not elitist....
Unfortunetaly or no I think I fit in the term "elitist" in some ways...I hate nu-metal, all the pop mainstream shit and I just can't take someone seiously who is into all of these...heh, time will change me I'm sure, but it is how I feel now.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I slag off people who won't give my music a chance, and who are obviously ignorant and closed-minded. I dislike most bands in the genre 'nu metal'. I don't slag off bands I haven't heard, though. I enjoy the exclusivity of the bands I listen to, but I would still like them if they went mainstream, as long as their music remains of high quality. I don't use the term 'true'.

Guess I'm not elitist....

Nope, sounds like you've got pretty much the same attitude as me. Although there are quite a few nu-metal bands I like. :) People who don't give my music a chance piss me off too... I once tried to introduce a friend to Opeth, and she refused to listen to it because the tracks were 'too long' and so they were probably 'boring'. Ah well... her loss.
I would have a tendency to be elitist, but I try not to be. Instead of telling hip hop and alterna-pop fans that their music sucks, I tell them that I don't care for it. But anyone who knows anything about music will know that rapper idiots such as Nelly or Ja Rule have no talent at all. I let my elitist attitude come out only when I'm associating with other fellow metalheads (look at my sig).
Mainstream rap is horrible crap. I saw a live recording of Jay-Z on MTV one day I felt like just watching some MTV, and the man couldn`t even lipsync to his horrible rap. I cringed in disgust at the sheer talentlessness of this man, who probably can pick and choose from hundreds of ultra-hot bitches at every concert and sells millions of records...

The underground rap isn`t that bad though. Many of these artist use some cool, jazzy beats with plenty of variation. Some even rap over some very good jazz musicians, with acute and well-crafted political lyrics on top of it. These musicians(yes, they are musicians)don`t get any more known than the underground metal bands, and deserve credit for their work, at least in my opinion.
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At what point do you become an elitist?
