Atheist are back

no, it is just funny that they were hyping up the last run of shows and it was like....Oh we can make more money. We are back for a bunch more.

more midwest shows? I was under the impression that Powerfest was going to be their last midwest show, but they would be doing more out east.
Maybe by working with Gnostic and seeing Cynic out playing again made them want to play more. Plus its an income. I can't blame them for thinking of putting touring aside, nor desiring to come back.

Be a great tour if it hits Atlanta. Otherwise, I don't care hehe.
No, this is a bunch of new shows it sounds like. They said last year that they were going to play Europe and a couple of fest and that after that it was over. I think they saw a quick way to make a buck and figured they could play a few shows a year and make some decent money. Not a bad deal but dont go and say that this is it. That is what we call...pulling a KISS.

Plus you kind of ruin the effect of the last Powerfest with being able to say that you had Athiest on your bill for one of thier last shows.
Well, integrity goes out the window when someone has bills to pay. Who could blame them?
I mean, go back to a crappy 9 to 5, or tour the world with your band?