Atlanta is getting a date for the Scar Symmetry tour!

Scar Symmetrya nd Human Abstract are good bands. Never listened to Mnemic.

I can see a -lot- of people walking out on the headliner.
I won't be there. I'll be too busy seeing Dark Funeral and Enslaved in NC for this nonsense.

Scar Symmetry would be cool to see, but not worth sitting through Mnemic and Goatwhore (and I wouldn't care to see God Forbid either).

It'll be a good show for those who go. But c'mon...ENSLAAAAAVED.
Mnemic are quite good, even if (for some unknown reason) they hate Mercenary.
Human Abstract are also good.
Goatwhore = meh.
For God Forbid, I'll be outside in Vinyl buying CDs-- oh, wait. :D

The BAD news is that this probably rules out Scar Symmetry for ProgPower in 2007. :waah: