ATM450's vs. NT5's for overheads and acoustic guitar


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Hey everybody, I must admit to lurking around the forum and almost never posting, The wealth of information on here is astounding! And there's some shit hot mixes floating about too, truly one of the best resources on the net for those into metal production! :D

Basically I'm just wondering what you guys think would be the best choice out of this pair for overheads? As I'm looking to buy in the next few weeks.

Seems to be a real buzz on the internet about the 450's and the pad/rolloff switches could come in handy (I'm pretty sure the NT5's have neither)
I've searched the forum and there seems to be alot of reccomendations for both of sets of mics, I've also noticed Oz is selling his, I'm assuming he prefers the NT5's then? (Your input on this would be really appreciated Oz)

thanks for any info/opinions you guys can give :)
i have some NT5's that i like, but not as much my SM-81's...they're really natural sounding mics, so if you're looking for flattery, they're probably not the way to go. they work well for both OH's and acoustic guitars...but like i said, i currently prefer the 81's in most instances.

if the ATM450's were on the market when i got my mics, i would've gotten those over the rodes...from what i understand, they're supposed to be some killer fucking mics, and the side-address/pad/roll-off are features that would definitely come in handy