ATOT-The Lower Nine

the kick drum is way to loud and boomy, are there even guitars? Sorry but i cant hear them at all over the bass. Vocals arent really in tune (no offense). The snare is to quiet also. You can make it sound way better, just got mix it differently
Thanks, for the replies everyone. Yea, my buddy and I just do this for fun, so no offense taken on the vocals and such. I keyed some sub-bass with the kick, so that probably explains the kick being boomy. I'll try bring up the guitars and snare volume also.
When you say the song isn't tight, do you mean the editing needs to be better or the frequency play between the instruments, or both? haha
Thanks, for the replies everyone. Yea, my buddy and I just do this for fun, so no offense taken on the vocals and such. I keyed some sub-bass with the kick, so that probably explains the kick being boomy. I'll try bring up the guitars and snare volume also.
When you say the song isn't tight, do you mean the editing needs to be better or the frequency play between the instruments, or both? haha

as in make the playing alot tighter, You wanna try and use the least amount of editing on guitars IMO cause it will not only make you a tighter player, but will sound much better that edited guitars. When the playing is not tight enough, everything just sounds really sloppy and it creates alot of mud