Att: DG - Korean drummer

Haha! I have ACTUALLY seen this before! When we were recording the NECRAMYTH CD (see below!) there was a PC w/ Internet in the lounge at the studio. I remember Johan (bass) showing me a link to this from the DAUM forums (like Korean Myspace kinda), where some guy wrote "See metal at 3:00 and some other time...

btw - could anything sound so depressing and look so hilarious, and ROCK and SUCK all at the same time? Actually, it does rock though, sucks to hard that it rocks! Also, don't let that video give you the wrong idea about what Korea is actually like, it is in fact much cooler, however not totally unlike what you see in that video at the same time. :)

NECRAMYTH!!! I spoke with Pedro Chae (NECRAMYTH mastermind) this week. He says that they JUST started mixing the album (note: I recorded the drums LAST April) and he is expected to have samples within a few days, the whole album to be wrapped up in 2-3 weeks. So, it's finally going to get released! I haven't even heard any of it yet! I just know that the drums were BRUTAL (good, brutal).

At 1:07 I thought he was going to do "the tear"...
