Attack Attack mix attempt (PODX3, S2.0, Slate)


Nov 2, 2006
My friend showed me the song Pick a Side, by Attack Attack a few months ago, and since then ive been obsessing over the song, and finally decided to attempt to get a similar sound.

I played it in drop C instead of drop A, because my guitar is a pain to tune, and its just a few riffs from the song, so its not structured properly. Just some riffs to get an idea of the sound. Im surprisingly happy with it, but still feel that the kick, and guitars dont really gel together in the chugga chug riff. Any tips will be really appreciated

The guitar is an Ibanez RGA72TQM.
Drums are S2.0, and Slate kick.

Hopefully you enjoy:headbang:

yup! Caleb produced/mixed/mastered both Pick a Side and All Alone. He's also doing the same for the new AA album. Honestly, I love the production on Pick a Side more than most of Joey's work. The snare mix is pretty large and roomy than most, but his bass tone is mean as hell. Caleb did all the pre-production for AA's self-titled, and I bet he watched Joey mix and took notes.

I'm proud of Caleb to be honest. He lost a bunch of weight, improved his vocal style, and is now learning production. And he's a pretty nice guy; I met and talked with him for a bit at Warped Tour.