Attack Attack - Renob Nevada Mix - Need criticism!

The guitar seems really thin. Besides that rad the drums are really punchy which I like and is good for this type of mix. Work on the guitar tone and post a new clip.
I really like this, but i have to say the guitars are pretty thin, or "mid Rangy" this could be a bass problem though, but i'd boost a bit of the higher end on your guitars. also you drums sound almost dead center, id pan your toms to a drummers perspective. high tom about Left-15%, and floor like right-40%. Do about the same with your cymz you know? just to get your mix out of the pocket in the center. i really like your vocals though. may i ask what did you record the vocals though?
Drums sound great, good bottom end - very controlled (No ridiculous 60Hz boost). As the other guys said, guitars are harsh. What did you use for drums if ou don't mind me asking?
Thanks for the response guys. As for drums, there's not a whole lot special to it. Steven Slate Drums 4 and a whole lot of subtractive EQ, honestly don't think I did boost anything, haha. And then probably parallel compressed it to hell and back to get that punch! Oh, and D-verb too. And I used Pro Tools stock EQ and Compressor!