Attention: Arch Enemy Fans - New pre release - beast of man out now

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
for anyone who doesn't know yet arch enemy have released the new recording of "beast of man" on there myspace page 4 days ago

personally i prefer the original - obviously this is not the finished product but anyway the original had such an aggressive tone and i loved johan's vocals in it. angela tonality in my personal opinion sits so well in the mix that you cant hear her clearly. its a little muffled. but this could be because of .mp3 compression and this is a pre release.

also the old version had much more of a ... open feel. there are parts of this song which are nailed pretty solid on every beat where as in the original it seemed more organic and seems to flow much the pre backing for the 2nd 5th section solo (4 notes) are nailed exactly on beat yet in the original it had more of a sliding flow. thats just my opinion though. how do others feel?

im still happy to see arch enemy going strong but i wish they left the old stuff alone. it was great in its time and still is today - no point trying to reproduce johan and the rest of the bands past work - by doing that your trying to perfect what you didn't like in the past and trying to wipe it from peoples minds by introducing new material.

if i was johan i would feel very offended.