Attention Grand Magus Fans!

Grand Magus is teh rock!!! Honestly, npearce, you've put a smile on our faces in this house. Heather's like, "turn it up..!". \m/

I have this whole genre opening up before me...
BloodStainedWalls said:
That's fuckin awesome bro. :headbang:
Heh, it's pretty cool to find all these new albums by bands like Grand Magus, and even Danzig IV, and the wife is loving me for it. :D

Some of it isn't even that new to me, but I'm just pulling stuff off my shelves that never really affected me as much previously - something like Morgion's Solinari (which is playing now), for example.

The evolution is profound: One month ago I was listening to lots of early Empyrium, Anathema, & Novembers Doom, and now here I am drowning in the decay of Evoken, or the retro-sounds of Saint Vitus & The Obsessed.

I've just hit a good spell, otherwise I was in a rut. I am so burned out on death and black metal these days, it aint funny.

And I've still got a whole CD-R of Stoner that Dark Chapter sent me! :worship:
i hope you dig it man. The Roadsaw is definite Stoner and Cathedral whereas most other stuff is Trad. Doom more or less. with the exception of Source of Tide of course :D But you already have heard it. I love that album anyway, threw that into the winamp as well. I wonder if NAD got his CDs yet
The wife loves Source of Tide's Blueprints. We don't listen to it enough though. We used to have it in the car all the time.

I'm looking forward to some Solitude Aeternus. \m/
yes! i love their use of double bass on that album too. i remember years ago when i first heard it it was like being hit with a sledgehammer it was that good to me.
Dude, I hear ya about being burnt out with the death and black metal. I have gotten myself so f'in deep into the doom/stoner genre, its ridiculous, lol. You should see the amount of stuff I have in the genre.
It's the perfect antidote to the burn out.

OK I just found out that "Into the Depths of Sorrow" by SA has been recently re-released. Without me wanting to spend $50 (on of all places) to get an original pressing, I'd like to get the re-release.

It's available on Brainticket records ( Has anyone bought from them before?
hell i'd get the reissue i guess since it has the extra tracks. i already have the original so blah
lol, i guess you're gonna buy it? i got that impression from the post although i could be wrong...
Dark Chapter said:
I wonder if NAD got his CDs yet
My mailman hates me, so no. :lol: Although I did get the shirt and CD from JayKeeley already, kickass.

I was freaking out the other day in my truck because I couldn't find any death metal to listen to, finally found Grip Inc. in my glove box and that was close enough. So no, I'm not burndeded out at all. :D