Attention Ladies


May 22, 2003
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<NL_Capone> a shovel smacks him in the head
<jamesaway> bastard of a lying breed!!!!!
<D_Lioness> macs own any pc
<Wolftribe> amon amarth!
<jamesaway> yeah its a real funny noise
<Frinya> indeed
<Wolftribe> Max owns any pc
<Wolftribe> hh
<Wolftribe> eh
<Wolftribe> eh
<Wolftribe> hheh
<NL_Capone> No, Karen, mine is not owned my any operating system.
<Wolftribe> da,mmiot
<Wolftribe> aaha
<D_Lioness> max owns any pussy
<Wolftribe> wuhoah
<D_Lioness> sorry it was an easy one
<NL_Capone> :O
<jamesaway> <D_Lioness> max owns my pussy
<jamesaway> what?!?!?!?!?!?!
<D_Lioness> err... who said MINE ?
<jamesaway> hahahahahahaha
<D_Lioness> OMG
* Wolftribe humps D_Lioness
<jamesaway> hahahahahahaha
<D_Lioness> dAMN you irish boy!!!!!!!!!!
hmm as long as someone else gets shot first and pulls off her shirt on his way down then ill die happy
You guys are fucking pathetic retards that act like they got their first hard-on two days ago. You're so goddamn horny that you'd fuck your own mom if it wasn't illegal. In fact I think if your mom were to die right now the first thing you'd do is fuck her lifeless body before you carry it out to the backyard and bury it so that nobody would find out what kinda sick fucks you are and how much sexual frustration you keep buried deep inside your worthless souls.
Or are we reflecting our own frustrations? You're just jealous she didn't say all pussy was YOURS.
Guerrilla said:
You guys are fucking pathetic retards that act like they got their first hard-on two days ago.

Yes I did get my first hard-on accouple of days ago... it was great.. I went around humping everything in site! I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cept for your mom..... thats toooo fucking scary.
Lordlucid said:
Yes I did get my first hard-on accouple of days ago... it was great.. I went around humping everything in site! I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cept for your mom..... thats toooo fucking scary.
Sweet Jesus the 15 year old scores a burn. Pathetic one but a brave start for a little blond shit like yourself. That's right my mom IS too fucking scary for you, she'd fuck you till your dick went limp and looking at that pic you posted, I doubt you could ever get it hard again without some medical assistance. And by medical assistance I mean having a 60 year old male Indian doctor with that sexy heavy accent fondle your balls for a couple of minutes.
Guerrilla said:
Sweet Jesus the 15 year old scores a burn. Pathetic one but a brave start for a little blond shit like yourself. That's right my mom IS too fucking scary for you, she'd fuck you till your dick went limp and looking at that pic you posted, I doubt you could ever get it hard again without some medical assistance. And by medical assistance I mean having a 60 year old male Indian doctor with that sexy heavy accent fondle your balls for a couple of minutes.

hahahahah thats funny cause about the only pussy you can get, is the one you post in your pic.
Guerrilla said:
Sweet Jesus the 15 year old scores a burn. Pathetic one but a brave start for a little blond shit like yourself. That's right my mom IS too fucking scary for you, she'd fuck you till your dick went limp and looking at that pic you posted, I doubt you could ever get it hard again without some medical assistance. And by medical assistance I mean having a 60 year old male Indian doctor with that sexy heavy accent fondle your balls for a couple of minutes.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Now now, children ;)
Don't make me get the hose!

And by medical assistance I mean having a 60 year old male Indian doctor with that sexy heavy accent fondle your balls for a couple of minutes.

:lol: :lol:
That is pretty witty