Attention Mr. Jarzombek


New Metal Member
Apr 15, 2006
Hey, how you doing there man?

First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Juan Alberto, and I'm currently the vocalist of a working Technical Progressive Metal project. Having influences of bands like Watchtower, Spastic Ink, Spiral Architect, Cynic and such.

I dared to disturb your precious time (and I apologize if this post is bothering you) to ask if you could rate this song of ours.

Send me a PM so I give you the link for the GP4 File if you are interested...

What I would like is that you give us a review of the song music-wise and what would you add/remove to it. Your help will be greatly appreciated coming from such an entity in Technical Metal such as you.

Hoping you have time for some humble fans,

Juan Alberto
How about just put the link here so we all can check it out? There are lots of knowledgeable musicians/listeners here at this forum...

Sound great! I like really like it.

I just wanted to say that it lacks vocal, but then I saw that you are a vocalist. Is it a grawl/scream or clean? It would sound even better with some good singing melodies.
The vocals on this song are clean... but who knows, maybe we could add some Atheist/Cynic inspired vocal passages to it :P

Thanks for the review man, keep em' coming! (Still waiting for THE MAN to make his review :P)

Well, first off, I don't think you should be asking what 'he would remove'... it's your song, so if you like it, keep it, if not, take it out. Sure Ron is one of the most tech guitarists (if not thee most) but he's still one human, who's not in the band. Reviews and opinions are fine and all, I've asked him before about a song of mine, but I wouldn't have taken anything out if he didn't like it.

So anyways about the song, I sense a lot of Spastic influence in the beginning 14 seconds. The best part has got to be the 'climax' of the song if you want to call it that. From 2:41- 3:09. Cool song.
You've got some really cool rhythms happening in your song, and I mean LOTS of 'em. I like the way it keep rocking back and forth from a sixteenth feel, to triplets, then back to sixteenths, etc... Very cool.

I think all of us here at the forum would be able to give you more positive feedback if the song had real players. I use midi recordings like this to give players an idea of what I'm going for, but it's not really "presentable" as a song to listeners until it's actually played. I noticed that you had drums on the first several measures, then they dropped off. You probably stopped programming there because programming drums is very time consuming, and your drummer would probably change the grooves anyway! Correct? That's happened to me too many times! I was also expecting to hear your vocals.

And I like what Zyquix had to say. This is YOUR song to do what you want with it, but thanks for asking us for advice and feedback...

Thanks for the reply man, it is really appreciated. About the Drum Lines, I got to say that they were programmed by me (By the way, I know NOTHING about music theory or composition) but they sound cool at least to me. Well, then came the Bassist (The mind behind this song) and forbid me the use of the Guitar Pro :P
And anyways, the drummer will change the Drum Lines, but I'll try to make him keep that intro part if possible as it sounds promising.

And as you say, would be better if it was actually played by us, but we are very busy with real life (Job, University and such). On the next months we may release the first recording of the band, but nothing official since we are composing other songs in parallel and learning the material.

All in all, your comments are really inspiring to us as a band and you can be sure we are a lot more motivated now :D

I'll keep you guys informed about anything regarding the band.

SupersonicRobotic said:
agreed, just make your own music and present it the way you want to create it. not the way some "Tech metal" formula/scene wants it to be done.

Good point, and good luck against those Pistons. :OMG:

*lurks again*
Damn this is long... I thought it was about to end and when I checked it's only about a third of the way through.. how long is it?

So far it's alright. Not really my thing, but I don't mind listening to it either.

Right after I posted this, theguitars got kind of cool, right after the halfway mark a bit.
could you upload just that gp4 file on rapidshare or something, cuz it says that the archive is damaged, and i would really like to hear it