ATTN. All Bands


Ryan Knol
Jan 15, 2003
NS Canada
got a metal band? are you good? are you all into the band 100%?

Need a website?? im offering a deal to the band members of this board. if you are good, ill make you a website for free. some companys/artists charge upto 1000 bucks. but im makin someone a site for free.

why am i doing this you ask?? well theres 2 reasons to this, 1. To find good bands for Loud Magazine.( and 2. To work on my portfolio(

now, there are a few rules to this.

1. you have to be good.
2. you have to have mp3s. (good recordings)
3. you have to have released or be planning to release and album/demo within a year.
4. you have to have a host/server. The better the host the better the site will be. (cgi or php helps)

If you are interested in this oportunity. Email ( or PM me with a link to an mp3 or 2 and if you are good i will get back to you with the next step.

if you dont have any mp3s yet, contact me when you do, who knows, i might still help you out.

as an added bonus, if you have an album coming out within a year. ill do the artwork/layout also.

PS. if your band has a website but needs artwork for a cd, contact me, i may be able to help.