ATTN anyone using Saffire to achieve decent vocal recording


Apr 7, 2006
Hey guys. I recently bought a saffire focusrite USB 6 and honestly have been quite unhappy with how my vocals are sitting in my mixes.

I'm basically running the saffire straight into Cubase with a Shure SM7-B. I'm recording some clean vocals and I know the dynamic mic isn't the best for this, but I honestly was getting better results from a Line 6 toneport.

I'm not sure if my Focusrite unit isn't set up properly in cubase or something, but the sound it produces is very raw and not very clean. I EQ it and have tried a variety of things, but nothing with any luck.

You can hear how the vox sit here. It's pretty bad and you can really hear it on the clean vocals. @ 1:40.
What yellow do you mean? This thing is pretty barebones, but I'm just trying to get enough volume so I don't have to crank it up in the recordings. But in the process, I seem to be loosing tonality. At 1:40 of my latest recording, you can really hear how bad it sounds.