ATTN: BigFakeSmile

oh yay a thread with me in it! hey kleo you going to that 'sick as sin fest'? march 21 in some place called "lowell"

beyond the embrace and all that remains are playing, and thats enough for me

i will be at the palladium this week for god forbid and 'corpse btg
I dislike 'Corpse. Would only catch them if they had something absolutely vital on the bill. Plus, the fiancee's ex will be there. He's in this kind of "I'm so fucking METAL that I own CDs by a label with the edgy underground name of Nuclear Blast WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" stage. Mind you, I shit chains harder than him last night when clad in my Oscar the Grouch tshirt and chick jeans...

Didn't know about the fest. Will look into it! Probably skipping New England this year unless they 1) change the bill 2) give me free passes
hypocrisy is opening for 'corpse (i also dont care for them),a nd while they arent exactly "vital," i'm going to be there [/bambi eyes] and it would be fun to hang out with you when cc goes on