ATTN Ellestin (Re: Rome - Berlin)


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
Ok, so I've finally heard Rome - Berlin (with mad props to the mp3 axis of evil). It's only 18 minutes long, but it's fairly promising. As a whole it's better than the individual samples on Cold Meat's site, but it's still pretty short. It's supposed to be a "teaser" for a full album coming out later this year. Anyway, I thought you might want to hear one of the better songs off of it.

This one follows up the track already available as a sample Like Lovers

Rome - The Orchards

I'll probably write a review of this soon.
On the plus side I found repeating those 18 minutes of album several times over did not hamper my enjoyment of it, and resulted in regular album length playtime!

It's spectacular.

I enjoyed the sampling of style variety, and hope they keep up for their full length instead of going a single route proposed in any particular song.
oh just noticed this, thanks. That track doesn't do much for me though. As far as this type of music (broadly envisioned) goes, I'll probably stick with Triarii and maybe The Protagonist if he manages to write better songs.