attn: FalseTodd re: new information that has surfaced


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
so like this one time the band I was in was playing the Milwaukee Metalfest and we were all staying at the Ambassador Hotel which was the place where Jeffery Dahmer stayed and they were totally not prepared for a bunch of metal bands to be staying there at all but anyway the desk manager ended up having to help bartend and our drummer Sam ordered a whiskey double on the roxx from this poor guy who basically filled a water glass with whiskey and no ice and then forgot to charge Sam for it. Yo so Sam frank the whole thing and proceeded to fall down a lot outside the hotel and this crackhead tried to byum change from us but then saw sam and was like oh you guys have more problems than me and he split. Sam got on the payphone and left someone a message that he was in milwaukee and he was drunk and two ladies standing nest to us one said to the other "HE JUST SAID HE'S DRUNK IN MILWAUKEE" and the other lady said "NO HE DID NOT" like mmm girl you have GOT to be playin with me bt that's what he said.
wow, i don't think i ever stayed at the ambassador; however, the last time they had it at- wait, maybe that was the ambassador. was it downtown and old and rundown and had an elevator you could'nt get to unless they buzzed you in?