Attn: Frosty-G

Nut Butter

Nov 27, 2003
Received your mix last week. Thanks! I never knew Wisconsin could breed so much talent! There's some really strong acts on there, and so much variety it's sorta overwhelming. I'm kinda curious as to time-lines though, seems a lot of the vocalists (specially in the first half) affect the bratty Epic-era Mike Patton vocals, which is funny.
And thanks are also in order for the Suffering CD you included. Sweet! Ten years from now I'll own a copy of your impossible-to-find debut!
Nut Butter said:
And thanks are also in order for the Suffering CD you included. Sweet! Ten years from now I'll own a copy of your impossible-to-find debut!
Just don't leave it in the sun. It'll fade. I left one on my car seat and it is now almost entirely green.

Timelines (for the cd that the songs are from)

You're Pretty-1998
Muzzy Luctin-2002
Inner Sanctum-1995
Last Crack-1991
Test Site-2004
Stone Misery-1998
Cobz Web-1997
Nightmares End-2000