ATTN: Henrik Main


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Since I can't search to see if you've said anything re: the matter, I'd like to know how much you like Maiden now after listening to my comp CD-R incessantly for months and whether you plan to buy all their 80's albums now or next week.
You're so going to hate me now.

1. "Moonchild" (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son) - Just an average song. I understand that this is GOOD music - the musicianship is top notch, but it just doesn't move me in any way. The riffs simply don't appeal to me, nor do the vocals.

2. "Murders in the Rue Morgue" (Killers) - KILLER verse, and with an equally cool chorus, this song could have been 100% ass-kicking. It's got a strong punk influence, which I like. Best song on the CD-R.

3. "Revelations" (Piece of Mind) - I can appreciate the epicness of this, and I also sort of like the faster parts. But I simply don't enjoy the melody. Mid-paced/slow songs are not my cup of tea at all in most cases. And a message to the vocalist - stop using that damn vibrato.

4. "Prowler" (Iron Maiden) - Some cool guitar masturbation parts. Overall, it's nothing more than "OK".

5. "Infinite Dreams" (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son) - Not my thing at all. The guitarists and the bass player are GOOD at what they do, but it lacks in the song writing department.

6. "Powerslave" (Powerslave) - See 5.

7. "Stranger in a Strange Land" (Somewhere in Time) - See 5.

8. "Sanctuary" (Iron Maiden) - A little better. It actually sounds a bit 60's rock here and there.

9. "Children of the Damned" (The Number of the Beast)
- I find myself constantly thinking "It'd be really cool if they had sped this song up quite a lot". Mid-paced build-up and a fast climax = win. But they don't, and the song does not appeal to me.

10. "Be Quick or be Dead" (Fear of the Dark) - Some cool moments here and there. Better than the slower songs.

11. "Killers" (Killers) - Obviously better than the slower songs, but still nothing more than "average".

12. "Total Eclipse" (Run to the Hills single) - See 5.

13. "Phantom of the Opera" (Iron Maiden) - Very decent verse, especially the parts with back-up vocals. But then it fades into a guitar wanking competition that lasts for about a quarter, before the cool verse kicks in again. This would have totally destroyed if it had been a fast 2:30 song.

14. "The Evil That Men Do" (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son) - Suffers from the same "good musicianship, boring melody" syndrome.

15. "Judas be My Guide" (Fear of the Dark)
- Ditto.

16. "Only the Good Die Young" (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son)
- Ditto, but the chorus is pretty cool.

From this thread:
those are all great songs, but a weird collection to be introducing someone to Maiden.
Crimson Velvet said:
If that hadn't convinced you, shouldn't be listening to metal.

That sentence doesn't make any sense, but I take it you mean that if I don't like a select few Iron Maiden songs, I shouldn't be listening to metal.

That's like saying "If you don't like The Beatles, you shouldn't be listening to music at all" or "If you don't pay homage to the first T-Ford, you shouldn't be driving a vehicle". It's fucking stupid.
Henrik Main said:
That's like saying "If you don't like The Beatles, you shouldn't be listening to music at all"
Yeah, but that one is true. :p

I know metal dudes that don't like Sabbath, that's about 50 zillion times gayer than not liking Maiden.
@ CV: Good, I was fearing that you actually were serious for a minute or two here. Not that my reply was entirely serious, but yeah :p

Edit: I guess Eriks' reply will be quite similar to yours, only more aggressive and rude :p
Crimson Velvet said:
Erik should've included "Purgatory", "Flash of the Blade" and "Hallowed be Thy Name".

I know you were kidding in this post, but I feel the response brewing inside me, and I need to let it out like a wheezy fart....

I can't imagine it making any difference what the song list included. Like I said in the original thread, at the point he concluded that "Moonchild" was an average song, he might as well have just switched it off at that point.

Maiden is Maiden. It's not like someone's going to hear one magical song and then all of a sudden fall in love with the entire discography and B-sides, including the Jethro Tull cover.

It's like what Homer Simpson thinks about pork.
Actually, that part of the post wasn't a joke, and you make a good point. It probably wouldn't have made a difference, but I thought it would be a clever way of smuggling my favorite Maiden songs into the discussion...

But actually, I wasn't really a huge Maiden song, but one day I heard "Purgatory", and suddenly... BLING! I'm addicted...
Yeah, I guess every band has that 'one song' that would do it.

I find it really, really, really hard to imagine how anyone couldn't be utterly floored by "Hallowed be Thy Name" - especially the Live After Death version.

It's like part of the building blocks of metal. It's in our DNA to respond favorably to songs like this, or I dunno, "Sweet Leaf", or "Suicide Solution", or "Back in Black", "For Whom the Bell Tolls", etc etc. It's just an anthem of sorts. It deserves its own thread, and indeed, even got one.
I especially can't understand a friend of mine, who went to a Maiden concert with me, and still don't he like 'em! I mean, they played almost all the classics, darn it! He was like "meh..." He even asked if I wanted to leave right before the first encore. I almost broke my dedication to pacifism!
As for metal classics, even I can't help nodding my head along to "Iron Man", and normally, Ozzy makes me cringe. How anyone can resist the metal-ness of Creeping Death, Hallowed be Thy Name, 13 Candles, Ace of Spades and such, is WAY WAY WAY beyond me...
WHAT! 13 Candles is so extremely thrashy and energic, no head should go un-banged upon listening. It's a little monotonous, I'll agree, but still an immortal classic.

As for "Iron Man", I'll agree, "Symptom" is probably better, but it was the first Sabbath song that struck my mind...
Yes, "Equimanthorn" is probably the best song on the album... Listening to it right now. It's not as thrashy as some of the others, but it's definately the most interesting of them all. Mid-paced Bathory is practically as good as mid-paced black metal gets. Well... Almost, at least...

EDIT: It seems I've mixed my tracks up... I thought "Equimanthorn" was in fact "Enter the Eternal Fire". :erk: That's what I get for being too lazy to pick up the actual cd and just playing shittily tagged mp3s instead. I should stop worying about that Audioscrobbler thing and start using my stereo again... It's not like it's updating anyways...
Erik said:
BTW you're a faglet Henrik, now tell me what you liked off teh second CD please

01. Bruce Dickinson - King In Crimson.
Intro: What - is this "Death Metal" era Dismember?
The entire song makes Kiss sound like intelligent music for intellectuals, but YES I ADMIT that I get a strange feeling of joy when listening to this. This is not bad at all. Cool guitar solos at the end.

02. Wolf - Genocide.
OK, so the intro and verse slay. I actually don't dislike the vocals either. And, damn, the chorus is good too. The reasons why I like this song are the exact same reasons why I like punk rock - it's up tempo, full of energy and power, and it's also got a good melody. Brilliant song. Killer solos.

03. Angel Witch - Baphomet.
Freaky and cool intro. The first riffs almost sound like early Swedish mid tempo death metal mixed with punk rock. I really like the vocals and the overall feel to this song. Again, good stuff that took me by surprise.

04. Mercyful Fate - A Dangerous Meeting.
Don't like it. Due to a limited vocabulary or perhaps a limited lack of musical knowledge, I can't really explain WHY, but some keywords might be the slow tempo, the over the top vocals and - surprise - a melody I don't really like.

05. Bruce Dickinson - Trumpets Of Jericho.
Intro: What - is this Rammstein?
It sounds like a male robot with a beer belly, mullet and pilot glasses. But is this necessarily a bad thing? Not always. This is a decent enough song, but clearly weaker than the first three songs on the CD.

06. St. Vitus - Born Too Late.
I guess some besserwissers will call this EXTREMELY HEAVY, because, y'know, heaviness is about the overall feel and the riffs, maan. If they'd sped this song up a bit, it'd be alright. I guess this is some weird doom hybrid, and I'm not really a big fan.

07. Wolf - I Am The Devil.
Hell yeah, throw the metal fist and live like there's no tomorrow, have anal intercourse with your ex girlfriend in front of your best friends, shoot fireworks out of your ears and shave your chest hair so that it forms an inverted cross. If I'd been a chliché, pretentious twat, I'd say that this song represents the fun of life. I LIKE IT. I might buy their CD, but then I'd have to dress up as someone else, because it'd feel a bit awkward.

08. Angel Witch - Angel Of Death.
See 03. I like their chord progressions, I like the down-to-earth vocal efforts, I like the melody. Dope.

09. Mercyful Fate - Gypsy.
Never been a fan of castrated male vocalists. The song itself is a bit below average, and I shall have to admit that I'll probably never listen to Mercyful Fate again. Not because it's so horrendously bad, but because there are lots of bands out there that rock way harder. Wolf, for instance. Fuck yeah.

10. Bruce Dickinson - Accident Of Birth.
Intro: Is this Tidfall meets Susperia meets something else? (OK, so these "intro" things kind of suck). It's not bad, but it's rather bland in comparison with "King In Crimson". Better than "Trumpets", though. You gotta give this old fart some credit for this, considering he's older than what my
great-grandfather would have been now (122).

11. Judas Priest - Diamonds And Rust.
I dunno why I get a "retrospective" feel when listening to the first verse, but it's a distinct feel that I get now and then when listening to music. It's not really my CUPPA, though. It's not bad, but not very good either.

12. Judas Priest - Victim Of Changes.
I think they tried to pull an epic with this one, and they might have succeeded for all I know. Better than 11, better than Mercyful Fate, but still not my CUPPA.

13. Mercyful Fate - Come To The Sabbath.
So Freddy Mercury did guest vocals on this track? That's pretty cool, but it doesn't save this song from being .. gay. Sorry, I had to. It's cool that they wrote a song about the Jewish Sabbath, though.

14. Candlemass - Solitude.
Pretty cool verse. Not a big fan of doom, but this is tolerable. It'd been cooler with harsher vocals.

15. Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge.
See 14. Other than that, it's way too long, but if I'd been a fan of the band, I'd probably claim it was too short.