attn: highway corsair AND max fucking johnson


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
i've been working on the logo ideas for each of you and i felt like sharing, sorry but i don't have a scanner atm so digital pix of my sketchbook will have to do :lol:

for mister johnson:

for teh corsair:

lemme know what you guys think, if you have any other ideas, even if they're vague ("more woodsy!" "more drippy!"), anything helps. of course these are rough sketches, so get back to me and i'll ink one up and get it scanned and sent, or barring that, snail mail :loco:
MajestikMøøse said:



Hey, that's what sketches are for! That's pretty fucking cool, Matt. I think I'm going to use your original logo for releases and stuff, but something about this new one screams "SHIRT MATERIAL" to me. Mr. Moose is indeed right, the bottom runes do read as "Runemans", but runes are tricky for sure.

the album cover will probably have the album name in runes, and I'm not yet sure if I want it in english (Runedance, obviously) or the original Swedish (Rundans). Whichever it may be, that's what I'll need for the shirts/this new logo.

For reference (my ass MS paint drawing):

It all looks good, dude... nice work with the Genesis of Spring logo too!
ok yea max i was pretty much guessing based on some website i found, and i realized later the D looks a lot like an M haha, so whatever i dare you guys to do better :p

and HC i'll try and work that some more, thanks for the guidance
cthulufhtagn said:
ok yea max i was pretty much guessing based on some website i found, and i realized later the D looks a lot like an M haha, so whatever i dare you guys to do better :p

and HC i'll try and work that some more, thanks for the guidance

If I had a nickel for every time I fucked up some runes, I would have enough money to get a hooker with one arm... and that's a lot of nickels, if you think about it.

So anyway, it's all good- I think I'll talk with my label about shirts this winter. There's all kinds of crazy information on - everyone check it out!!!!
cthulufhtagn said:
ok yea max i was pretty much guessing based on some website i found, and i realized later the D looks a lot like an M haha, so whatever i dare you guys to do better :p

and HC i'll try and work that some more, thanks for the guidance

sorry I was just being a prick. Taking into account that it was really supposed to be "runedans" it makes a lot more sense. :loco:
MajestikMøøse said:
sorry I was just being a prick. Taking into account that it was really supposed to be "runedans" it makes a lot more sense. :loco:
that's ok dude, it's funny the discussion has centered on the aspect of the design that was a complete afterthought though haha
cthulufhtagn said:
oh man now i don't know which i trust max fucking johnson or the bona fide scandinavian? :erk:
If you choose to trust someone other than Hell Mike Motörbike on issues of nordicness, hellbikes or heavy metal you shall forever be condemned to live as a poser

I even made the font myself!
MFJ said:
He's probably right... apparently we both use different characters for "c"
I use "s" because there is no such thing as a runic "c" because it's either an "s" or a "k" and the "k" which you used sounds like a "k" as in kissekatt
ALSO::: ADDITION::: MORE STUFF::: There's really no such thing as "right" usage of runes as the represented sounds have changed a great big deal in 1500 years (I use pre-viking age runes myself, hence the kreyzee s and shit) and there were no rules back then but my way is of course the right way
Hey, uh, mr. logo man... can we make requests?

"Kingdom of Decay" and "Vestige" need logos, the former being melodic doom and the latter black/doom.

Now... go! :Smokin: