
New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Just got this with the latest Ledo Takas newsletter:

"OBTEST finish up the third album

No less in wait, third full-length record of OBTEST is reaching its
final stages, after a scrupulous work on song structures, harmonies and
primeval energy. It is time to lift up the Heathen Heavy Metal into
higher plane, and Lithuanian warriors are very close to put it into
practise. Expect the furious comeback with immensely improved sound and
simply overwhelming soundscapes later in 2005, along the European tour
with LOITS to follow."
word. I LOVE this band. And to think I bought their two albums blind. What a find that was.

All you Slough Feg saps would probably like Obtest. Pagan heavy metal blackened thrash whatits.
Already wrote this down in my purchase-list, just below new contact lenses but way above year-supply of spearmint toothpaste.

By the way this Poccolus album is the pick of the year so far. It's a worthwhile addition for any Nokturnal Mortum fan, albeit a tad more simplistic (but also more forest-like if that means anything). I even spotted traces of Drudkh in this release, and it's from 1995! Maybe the true pioneers of the characteristic Slavonic sound. I'm lacking words to express my gratitude, J. Care for a blow-job instead?
Do you give sloppy blowjobs?

Seriously, glad you're enjoying it. I also think it's an amazing album, and yeah, way ahead of its time. If it was released today, we be talking about Poccolus alongside all the Ukrainian and foresty Pagan bands.