attn: makers of K'Nex toys


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so you thought you could dangle the image of an awesome super robot in the brochure to your toys that my nephew got for his birthday? then you make the parts small and hard to use. well guess what? your tricks were no match for the awesome power of Uncle Greg Massi. i saw the challenge you lay before me and i was not afraid, i did not doubt my abilities. i helped my nephew build that super robot and there was nothing your confounding "toys" could do to stop me. so eat a big bowl of poop you purveyors of annoyance!
also being with the kids meant that the tv shows that were watched were the proud family, kim possible, and then the movie spy kids. all disney. all the time.

actually i kinda liked that kim possible show.
real men, who are boys, would use steel, or in the case of steel tech, a soft malleable metal of some sort.
are you a k'nexpert like matthew?


i hear matthew built that sears tower himself with only the help of some scaffolding, which he built himself, with k’nex!
you should've gotten your nephew something inventive and classic. robots are too cliche and passe.


PINBALL! under $50!
I think there'sa bunch of them robotix things sitting in their boxes in the attic