attn seipp re notices from bucketheadland


Nov 9, 2001

Bucketheadland security has discovered that some kids have been sneaking into the park by climbing down a cemetery drainage system and through a hole in the fence behind the junkyard. This is a great new way to enter the park if you can get past Curtis.

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Another reminder: guests are not allowed to break into the animatronics workshop and fill the characters' bellies with raw meat and sheep intestines. There seems to still be some confusion over this policy judging by last week's events.

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Due to recently uncovered copyright restrictions, Bucketheadland is no longer able to employ the man dressed in the Leatherface costume. If you see him in the park please contact Bucketheadland security immediately

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The Atomic Robotcoaster in Robotland was damaged beyond repair last week during a duel. Buckethead played a brief acoustic melody as the bucketbots laid her to rest in the Bucketheadland Cemetery. Out of respect for her family, Buckethead asks that she not be dug up for at least two weeks. We appreciate your cooperation in this sensitive matter

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Some of our animatronic characters are missing (specifically two pirates, the piano player, a large bat and a small arm) . If you see any that look lost, contact a park employee.We don't expect them to harm anyone, but hey, better safe than sorry

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Bucketheadland would like to apologize for the whole escaped ferris wheel fiasco. We are doing everything within our power to stop it from rolling.